Friday, March 31, 2006

Another Windsor Semi-Snub

DRIC put on a number of presentations for the last several days for the public but also for the local media earlier this week (I attended that one as an "accredited" BLOGMeister).

There was also a presentation for members of the local Councils in Windsor and Essex County I believe.

Like them or not, the DRIC people play an important part in the decisions that will be made for the border. I attended the media meeting since I thought it important to undrstand their thinking especially in answering questions from media people who are not always so nice in how and what they ask. PLUS it is a less formal atmosphere so people tend to say more.

So I wondered who from the Windsor Council attended the DRIC meeting the same morning since this is such a vital matter for us, especially after the Resolution passed at the Tecumseh meeting and the need for the Sandwich Heritage District.

Here is who attended according to my sources from Windsor (a number of County officials attended): the Mayor. Period.

Not one Councillor I was told. Not one single Councillor from Ward 1, not a Councillor from Ward 2, not a Councillor on the "Border Issues Communications Committee," not a Councillor who is on the Windsor Tunnel Commission.

Some of them could go to a session about refurbishing the Barn on the same day but not to a border meeting. It's only the most important issue that faces Windsor and our Councillors did not go.

Not a total snub...but enough to be noticed. And Windsor wonders why no one listens to us. And why the Feds put money into roads and an arena in New Brunswick and why the Province does not put money into our Science Centre.

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