Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dennis, CAW And Timmie

I can just imagine Dennis DesRosiers in his office writing these letters as the CAW keeps lobbing him soft pitches to let him hit a home run time after time. It would be illuminating to have a debate between Dennis and Buzz or Ken over the role of the CAW in Windsor's auto industry today and whether the CAW helps or hurts us.

From Dennis DesRosiers:

There was a little flap in Windsor recently over the fact that Tim Horton's this year is giving away free Toyota RAV4's in their Roll up the Rim to Win contest instead of the traditional GM product. CAW members were threatening to tear up winning tickets and boycott Tim's. I ask would an Oakville citizen turn down the chance to win a GM product, would an Oshawa citizen turn down a Ford. This stance against Toyota is ludicrous. CAW members embarrass themselves again.

This got me thinking of just who sells the most "Made in Canada" vehicles in Canada. And surprising even to me... Toyota wins that race with Honda number two and GM number three. If this was the most important criteria, (arguable for sure) then Toyota could be crowned the most "Canadian" of all the OEM's. GM obviously employs more Canadians. I don't like these titles since all OEMs provide substantial jobs to Canada if not through manufacturing then through their dealers and head offices. Indeed there are currently over 900,000 Canadians directly employed manufacturing, distributing and fixing vehicles. Millions more if indirect employment is counted. When are we going to understand that all the vehicle companies in Canada are substantial contributors to our economic well being and eliminate the label .."Domestic vs Import"? You don't have to manufacture to be important, especially in this day and age of service jobs far outweighing manufacturing jobs in terms of importance to the economy. I wrote the following letter to the editor for any in the media that wish to publish the
facts on this issue and attach the supporting data for anyone who is interested.


Letter to the Editor

Tim Horton's Chose Wisely

Get a hold of yourself Canada and in particular Windsor and CAW members. If you win one of those Toyota RAV4's from Tim Horton's and if you are that offended then just take the cash or send me the ticket and I'll claim the vehicle. Trust me the citizens in Cambridge and Alliston who may have won the GM product the last few years would have taken the vehicle and each of these cities have Toyota and Honda plants. And remember Toyota sells more vehicles "made in Canada" than any other vehicle company, they also directly employ close to 50,000 Canadians at their assembly plants, related suppliers, dealers, head office and warehouses. Who would have thought that a Japanese vehicle company would be more "Canadian" than GM, Ford or DCX.

The Equinox has a Chinese engine so a Toyota made in Cambridge has a higher domestic content level than this vehicle made by GM. Maybe CAW workers should boycott the Big Three? Don't blame Toyota or the other import nameplates for the loss of 20,000 union jobs, they have helped create 50,000 non-union manufacturing jobs alone in Canada in the same timeframe in an auto sector that is growing just about everywhere except in Windsor, Oakville and Oshawa. Without them our industry would be in serious trouble. Tim Horton choose wisely by offering the RAV4, a vehicle that will be built in a new billion dollar plus plant in Woodstock within two years.

Dennis DesRosiers

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