Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bob Rae For PM

I cannot believe that anyone is even taking this idea seriously! If so, Stephen Harper may be our Prime Minister forever.

Back in my days, it was the PCs who were incapable of finding anyone who could run against the Liberals and win until Mulroney became PM. Are the Liberals that devoid of talent that they have to look to a failed NDP Ontario Premier? I figure it is just material for the newspapers to keep the Liberals in the news.

I read a Toronto Star story on Leadership hopefuls. They include: Martha Hall Findlay, Etobicoke-Lakeshore MP Michael Ignatieff, Belinda Stronach, Joe Volpe, Carolyn Bennett, Ken Dryden, Tony Ianno, John Godfrey, Ralph Goodale, Maurizio Bevilacqua, Stéphane Dion, Denis Coderre, Hedy Fry, MP David McGuinty, Ontario Education Minister Gerard Kennedy and former deputy prime minister John Manley.

Why won't they listen to me. The name they forgot is Dwight Duncan (unless there really is a big Budget leak scandal).

I just read that the Liberal Leadership Convention is to take place in Montreal on December 2. This announcement comes just days before Dwight's Budget! A co-incidence...I think not!

And don't tell me that Dwight's speech was timed to be delivered now because of some rules in Ontario. It was timed for the Liberal's big announcement!

Dwight Duncan for Leader. Remember, you read it here first!

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