Thursday, March 9, 2006

The Excavation...When Is..Not....

I thought it was hilarious, the Star story about the Docherty excavation downtown. It reminded me of how the DRTP lawyer at a preliminary OMB rail lands hearing described the DRTP corridor.

So I started thinking and came up with a list of "When is...Not..." So if you need a break at work, then send in your best lines and I'll post them! (Keep them clean please!)

When is a hole in the ground not a hole in the ground -- when it's an "engineered slope." (Docherty's lawyer)

When is the DRTP truck expressway not a truck expressway--when it's a transportation corridor

When is a billboard not a billboard--when it's art at the South Windsor underpass art gallery

When is Windsor's Schwartz border solution not Windsor's border solution--when it is Windsor's starting point

When is the shortest distance between 2 points not the shortest distance--when it is an S-bridge or a diagonal bridge

When is a dysfunction Council not a dysfunctional Council--when they pass a Cultural Project Report unanimously

When is a downtown arena not a downtown arena--when it is a Raceway arena, a Riverside arena, a Tecumseh/Lauzon arena or a refurbished Barn

When is an open and transparent Council not an open and transparent Council---when it is an in camera Council

When are vehicles at the Tunnel Plaza moving not vehicles at the Tunnel Plaza moving--when the vehicles are parked at the $30 million Tunnel plaza.

When is the Brighton Beach Industrial area not the Brighton Beach Industrial area--when it is the Brighton Beach truck parking lot

When is an Ojibway nature reserve not an Ojibway nature reserve---when it is an Ojibway truckroad

When is vigilant fairness not vigilant fairness---when it is Marra profiled

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