Friday, March 17, 2006


If you read the Star today about the hearings in Michigan on the 23rd and 30th, you would not think the sessions are very important: "A handful of leaders from the state's Senate and House transportation committees have accused the Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) team of being too secretive in its findings."

Well the handful of leaders include Representative Philip LaJoy, Chair of the House Transportation Committee and Senator Jud Gilbert, Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee. Those Committees only have MDOT report to them after all.

Remember when the Governor made the decision on October 4, 2005 about eliminating the Downriver crossings, well the Senate previously had introduced a Resolution on September 6, 2005 called "A concurrent resolution to express opposition to the study and construction of an international border crossing in the Downriver area."

Who knows, we might get lucky and have the Michigan House and Senate/Governor do us all a favour and end DRIC completely this time! I would not think that our Governments on this side have the nerve to do it.

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