Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Helping Out John

I am sure that you know that John Coleman is the Editorial Page Editor of the Star.

Well he has a very hectic job. So many people send him Letters to the Editor and he has so little space that not all of the letters get in.

I want to help out John. If you have sent in a Letter that he has not published, perhaps I can do so.

Here is one that was sent to me by a Reader of this Blog that, so far, has not made the Letters to the Editor page of the Star. This Letter is obviously in answer to the column by Gord Henderson dealing with Bill Marra:

"I'm was shocked at Gord Henderson's column discouraging a potential candidate from entering the mayoral race. There are many issues that need to be debated and the best way to do that is in an election campaign. It is also one of the best ways to educate the public on important issues such as:

  1. How much money should the city spend on an arena and where should it be located?
  2. What ever happened to "citistat"?
  3. Why are there no actions on the recommendations of all the costly Community
    Improvement Plans that we spent thousands to produce?
  4. Could a better border strategy have yielded more short term results?
  5. Is it hurting Windsor to have such a caustic relationship with the Bridge who we depend on?
  6. Is there a better strategy to deal with this Conservative government?
  7. Why didn't the Mayor call our closest connection MP Jeff Watson to congratulate him?

Discouraging a mayoral race will prevent the public from being educated better on these issues and more and will prevent alternative ideas from being presented to our community. Regardless of someone's chances at winning, elections bring healthy debate and strong candidates only improve the quality of that debate."

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