Friday, October 5, 2007

WeACT Legal Fund

WeACT is doing what it said it was going to do. It has started an Ontario Municipal Board legal action that hopefully will result in a decision that will permit a full financial, business and operational audit of WUC and its relationship with the Enwin Group of companies, not the limited one that is being proposed now by the Ministry.

Now it's time that you put your money where your mouth is and opened up your pocketbook if you are sick and tired about how this City is being run. I feel like Jerry Lewis asking for money but if he can do it so can I! I hope that I can be almost as successful as he.

Have you ever said something like this after you read a story in the newspaper or heard something on radio or TV that just infuriated you:
  • Where is the leadership in this City?
  • How can they do such a thing?
  • Who is going to stop them and how can it be done?
Well if you have then, congratulations, you are someone who should be joining the ever increasing numbers of WeACT members across Windsor. We are all people who had hoped for the best for ourselves and our City when we elected a new Mayor and Council four years ago. We hoped for change for the better last November. If you are a reader of this BLOG, I do not need to tell you what we received instead. We are disillusioned, disappointed and disgusted!

Pick your poison: the "on time, on budget" East End arena, the border file, 86% increase in water rates, US $75 million Tunnel deal, the inability to build a garage in Sandwich or whatever has made you angry.

How many of you dear readers feel powerless since we have a lame-duck Mayor and a rubber stamping Council?

Have you heard about the newest citizen insult: preventing people from speaking as delegates after the Schwartz presentation on Tuesday at Council. It is typical of an extremely secretive Mayor and Council that is terrified of listening to citizens. Name a Councillor who is going to raise a fuss since there are several who are positioning themselves to run for mayor and don't want to rock the boat. Except for Councillor Halberstadt, and even he has been quiet over the past several weeks, who has at least tried to act on behalf of Taxpayers?

If you are a business person do you dare express something negative against the City? Ask George Sofos and his partner how they feel. How many times have people written to me about something that is wrong in the City but do not want their name quoted for fear of retribution.

Think I am kidding. Do you remember this:
  • "The Windsor Construction Association accused city council Wednesday of financial irresponsibility and negligence when it awarded the $47.9-million east-end arena project to the Collavino family's PCR firm without tender. "
They are a very powerful group of business people in the City. Did they sue to stop the City from awarding the contract on the arena. Hardly. Here is what they said:
  • "Lyons said the association's president is polling its board members to see if they want to pursue further action, but he doubts the issue will go as far as the courts. "Our pockets aren't deep enough," he said. ...

    Lyons said he was inundated with calls and e-mails leading up to council's meeting Wednesday when the deal with the Collavino brothers' PCR firm was approved. Many companies in the construction industry won't publicly condemn the city because they rely on millions of dollars worth of municipal jobs, but they asked the association to intervene on their behalf."
Let WeACT be your surrogate. Let WeACT take action when a wrong has been committed against Windsorites. Let WeACT allow you to do the right thing but without fear that your business interest could be adversely impacted.

Below is the press release setting up the WeACT Legal Fund. WeACT needs your money and it needs it now. The Legal Fund is set up so that your contribution can be anonymous if you so desire.

It's time that you opened up your wallet and made a contribution. How much? Whatever you want. $10 from each household in Windsor would make a nice start. But how about something symbolic, something to recognize why WeACT got started. If each household contributed the equivalent of one month's water Bill to the Legal Fund, then we might get somewhere!

If you want more information, then just email me at and I will put you in touch with WeACT.

  • "For Immediate Release
    October 4, 2007

    WeACT establishes Legal Fund

    The Windsor Association of Concerned Taxpayers (WeACT) announces that it has established its community Legal Fund.

    WeACT president, Chris Schnurr, stated, "The purpose of this Legal Fund is not only to assist with funding any potential challenges regarding possible conflicts of interest in the WUC matter; but also to ensure that taxpayers in the City of Windsor will have a both a ways and a means of making legitimate challenges of decisions made by City Hall."

    WeACT was formed to help in uncovering the truth surrounding the conflicting stories regarding the combined 86% water rate increase. The group has been demanding that a full and complete financial, business and operational investigation of the WUC and any third party relationships with Enwin by an independent third party be conducted as opposed to a section nine provincial-municipal audit restricted to WUC finances.

    "No other recourse is available to citizens but legal action if their own Mayor and Council refuse to grant them the right to make a presentation at a council meeting about important matters impacting taxpayers," Schnurr remarked.

    "The City of Windsor has at their disposal our tax dollars to hire lawyers to act for them. We, the residents of Windsor and members of WeACT have only our pay cheques."

    Funds may be paid into the Legal Fund by visiting any branch of the Royal Bank and making a deposit to Account #08152-1008275.

    Donations can be completely anonymously thereby eliminating any perceived or real concerns of retribution.

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