Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Throne Speech Preview

We should know tonight what the future holds for the border issue in Windsor.

There is no doubt that Eddie and Dalton McGuinty have some kind of big deal between them for Eddie to commit himself so strongly on anything such as Greenlink.

I have to believe that Eddie has agreed to be the front. He is to make outrageous demands for outrageous sums of money for infrastructure to help out the Premier in his fight against the Federal Government. There are three issues: money in general, the financial split between the Governments over costs and more money for the central Canada corridor to the United States. After all, it is the Feds who have all the cash.

Here are some things to look for in the Thrown Speech tonight.

There is no doubt that there will be a considerable amount of discussion respecting infrastructure. The question is how much of that discussion will revolve around Windsor in comparison with both the Pacific and Atlantic Gateways. There was a big announcement about the Atlantic Gateway involving billions the other day since that will help the Conservatives win some votes in the Maritime provinces.

Will there just be generalization about Windsor as we have seen in the past or something firm?

It should be very interesting to see what the Speech says specifically with respect to a new bridge (will the Government confirm again that it will be a P3 bridge). One cannot take it too seriously if specific sums of money are not set aside for that bridge.

What about the road to the bridge? $400 million has already been set aside by the Government for its share of the road. Will that amount be increased?

The real big question is how much of the border monies will go into Ontario and what share will the Province have to pay. Right now each of the Federal and Provincial governments puts in 50% of the costs. Will the Federal Government put in more and with a better split as Ontario hopes?

I must admit that my expectations are very low but then again I didn't think that too many people would come out to the gymnasium at Massey Collegiate. And I expected the Lynn Martin show to go on more than 30 minutes on tunneling and Greenlink as well this morning.

My pessimism is built on the fact that if there was going to be good news then Eddie would not have to spend thousands of Windsor taxpayer dollars on a 2 month advertising blitz.

Let's see what happens tonight!

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