Friday, October 5, 2007

Ass Backwards

It looks like my BLOG on September 27, 2007 "Will The Watermain-gate Truth Ever Come Out" was pretty accurate!

It's Hogwash turning into Whitewash after all. What we are learning is:

  • citizens are not being allowed to comment on the Terms of Reference and what should be in them. It is all being done by the Ministry in London and Toronto. But it's okay, they get a copy of the Windsor Star delivered to them so they know everything that is going on here
  • the normal MERX purchasing process was not followed. Rather, "pre-screened, qualified accounting firms" were contacted. We don't know who these firms are, we don't know how many were contacted and we don't know if any of them are forensic accountants. If my information is correct that only one firm responded, then one wonders what these firms were asked to do
  • wow, if I am right about only one firm responding, why does it take almost 2 weeks to examine their proposal? I guess they want to ensure that it doesn't interfere with the Provincial election
  • it is bizarre that the accountants would know more about what is being asked than Taxpayers
  • the Minister's representative did not have the guts to come to Windsor but had to reply by letter

I noticed on Councillor Halberstadt's BLOG that he has not written very much with respect to city affairs over the past couple of weeks. He wrote about that saying

  • "As for my silence, it is not intended. I have plenty of things to say and write about, but I have only so much time in the day, given my efforts to find some balance in my life between work and home. I do intend to wade back into the blog in the near future, but I hope people don't equate breaks in my postings as meaning "my silence speaks volumes."

However he did have time to give one of his fearless quotes to the Windsor Star

  • "It seems to be backward... It's not the way I would have done it. But, who knows, I guess we will have to wait and see."

Doesn't it sound like he has given up, becoming tired of the struggle? It must be lonely when it is 10 against 1.

To be direct, I am disappointed in Alan's silence since he appeared to be the only champion on Council that Windsor Taxpayers had. I wonder, if he had been pushing this matter as hard as he had previously, whether the Ministry would be taking such a cavalier attitude. I suspect that there is more going on behind the scenes than we know.

In any event, it looks like Windsor Taxpayers will have to do it all themselves. Let's see what happens over the next few days before the election. I think there might be one or two events that take place.

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