Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Is Schwartz Irrelevant

I do not mean any disrespect to Sam. After all, he is merely doing his job. He must be tired though rewriting his Report so many times.

Can you imagine the fit of rage that the Mayor must have been in as he saw the first section of the Star and the Bridge Co. ad there the other day. They are moving ahead in spite of the Mayor and in spite of the silly games that he is playing. There are moving forward as well notwithstanding some of the impediments put in their way by the various Governments. As their ad states, the purpose of the Open House:

  • "to present the results of the environmental studies for the replacement span."

In passing, I would think that Transport Canada may also be surprised at the speed at which the Ambassador Bridge Company is moving forward. Didn't I read the following just a few weeks ago:

  • "It is difficult to estimate how long it may take the bridge company to complete the environmental assessment process, but "projects of similar scope" take about two years, Butler said.

    "It could be quicker," he said. "The ball is in their court. They know what needs to be addressed."

Hmmmm I think I know what kind of ball the Bridge Co. is playing with. I think it is called HARDBALL. And the Court they may want to play in might have a Judge in front of it given some of the things that have gone on!

DRIC has already rejected what Schwartz proposed originally (Unless he has come up with something new, the rewrite is a huge waste of money for taxpayers since DRIC will reject it again). So why is Sam still around? I saw David Estrin at the Bridge Co. session. I wonder what he had to say.

I would have thought that the best time to put pressure on Cabinet Ministers is right before the election. It's a nice perk to be a Minister and I must admit that if I was in that position I'd like to keep it. Wouldn't you think that Eddie should have held a Schwartz gala in which he showed off his new "Swiss Alps" on his proposed roadway to the border. At that time, the population of Windsor would rise en masse and demand that everything that Eddie and Sam wanted done must be undertaken or our two Ministers would not get one single vote.

Instead, nothing. Not a peep. Not a leak in a Henderson column. Don't you find this all too, too strange. And you don't think that there is a deal betwen Eddie and the Liberals.....Give me a break!

Oh and there was a discussion about a Lauzon/E C Row roadway at Council yesterday.....Just watch for that to be brought back by a Motion to Reconsider. And right after the election too after the two incumbents have been re-elected.

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