Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Michigan Senate Resolution

If you don't think that some Legislators have finally understood what is going on, then take a look at the Resolution that was passed last night by the Senate of Michigan concerning the border and the Ambassador Bridge Enhancement Project. When you read the wording of the Resolution, how could anyone possibly oppose it?

If only our elected officials in Canada at all levels would have this much sense.

I'll let you read it for yourself so that you can make your own interpretation of it. From what the newspapers have said as well, it looks like DRIC will only be given enough funds to complete their report and that's it. When I get a copy of the budget language, I shall post it.

Let's get real now. Given the Senate's language does anyone truly believe that a DRIC bridge can ever be built now.

Given the theorist that I am about the border, I cannot help but think that Transport Canada must have had an inkling about what might happen with the budget talks in Michigan. The timing of the meeting with the Bridge Company is remarkably coincidental.

Was Transport Canada hedging its bets? They appeared to be so cooperative with the Bridge Company based on what Dan Stamper said in his WJR interview.

If DRIC was allowed to continue, then Transport Canada would have been pleased. If DRIC was killed, it would be a calamity for Canada's trade with the United States and Transport Canada needed a backup. Their only backup realistically in southwest Ontario, since the Blue Water Bridge is such a mess, is the Bridge Company building their Enhancement Project. After all, the facts are that the Ambassador Bridge is the biggest land crossing between Canada and the United States by far and the best run as well.

There is just too much going on behind the scenes for anybody to try to figure out what is really happening. However, we seem to be coming to a climax pretty soon.

All I know is that the options are being eliminated. I believe that Transport Canada has finally figured out that they better be a player with the Ambassador Bridge Company or will be ignored as happened with the City of Windsor.

As well, there is a news report in Michigan that Senator "Cropsey also asserted that as part of the deal Gov. Jennifer Granholm expressed her support for the twinning of the Ambassador Bridge."

Now if we could only get that damned road to the Ambassador Bridge built, thousands of jobs created and some economic development for this region!
  • Senators Cropsey, Bishop and Hardiman offered the following resolution:

    Senate Resolution No. 123

    A resolution to support the plan of the Detroit International Bridge Company to establish an enhancement span to the Ambassador Bridge and to urge the Michigan Strategic Fund and U.S. and Canadian authorities to take certain actions regarding this project.

    Whereas, The Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor exemplifies efficiency and solid security practices that a private and public partnership can provide to the citizens of Michigan, the United States, and Canada and has been recognized by the United States Federal Highway Administration as the most efficient international crossing; and

    Whereas, The Detroit International Bridge Company (DIBC) crossing plan to develop an enhancement span of the Ambassador Bridge would provide for an additional crossing between the cities of Detroit and Windsor to meet the traffic needs of the region for years to come; and

    Whereas, The DIBC has stated it will work with the state of Michigan to leverage the private investment used in the creation of an enhancement span to help garner $2 billion in match funding to be used to improve Michigan’s roads and bridges by qualifying DIBC expenditures as toll credits under federal law; and

    Whereas, The Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) study, being carried out by the Michigan Department of Transportation, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, Transport Canada, and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, calls upon the need for an additional span and continues to study alternate sites for a new bridge, while private investors are willing to construct and operate a second crossing to be financed without expense to the taxpayer; and

    Whereas, The state of Michigan has made a significant investment to improve the traffic flow to the current Ambassador Bridge through initiatives such as the Gateway Project to address traffic flow from the freeway and interstates to the Ambassador Bridge, as well as improving the plaza to accommodate international commerce;

    now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate,

    That we support the plan of the Detroit International Bridge Company to establish an enhancement span to the Ambassador Bridge;

    and be it further Resolved,

    That we urge the Michigan Strategic Fund to immediately approve an Inducement Resolution for Private Activity Bonds for the DIBC enhancement span and Gateway connections to the Ambassador Bridge;

    and be it further Resolved,

    That we urge both the United States and Canadian governments to expedite the permits to complete the DIBC enhancement span to allow for the second crossing to become operational in a timely fashion;

    and be it further Resolved,

    That we urge that the DRIC study recognize and support the DIBC’s plan to develop an enhancement span;

    and be it further Resolved,

    That we recommend that the Canadian government finish the improvements to alleviate traffic flow concerns in Windsor from Canadian Highway 401 to the Ambassador Bridge;

    and be it further Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the members of the Michigan congressional delegation, the Prime Minister of Canada, the Ontario Parliamentary delegation, the mayor of Detroit, and the mayor of Windsor.

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