Thursday, October 11, 2007

Are They Leaving The SS Windsor

If you are an investor, you know that one way of determining whether one should buy or sell a stock is to find out what the "insiders" are doing. After all, they should know more about their company than anybody. If they are buying, one would think that the company would do well. If they are selling, depending on what the circumstances are, one might be concerned.

Should it be any different on the Good Ship City of Windsor. We know already that several of the management people have left to go to greener pastures. What happens if one of the senior managers leaves?

There is a very strong rumour at City Hall that a senior manager is leaving for a nice job in a community in the Golden Horseshoe area. I'm sure that the spin will be that there was a terrific job opportunity that this person just could not afford to turn down. It was a great career advancement opportunity and this person is so grateful for the experience that he/she had working in Windsor blah, blah, blah.

Is that really the case? Does this person have such a great opportunity or does this person know when it is time to get out while the getting is good? As I told you before, there were rumors about several senior people leaving. If that happens is that a signal that the City is taking on water and may sink!

Presumably, someone will have to be hired in his/her place. I hope that is handled better than the situation with Michael Duben. Remember at the time the controversy:
  • "City officials deny new senior bureaucrat got job because of links to the mayor

    Although Windsor's newest senior bureaucrat worked in the same law firm as Mayor Eddie Francis and was hired without an advertised national search, several councillors and the city's top civil servant say Michael Duben got the job on his merits alone."

Oh well, I expect there won't be too many people knocking on the door to take up this job in Windsor given the horrible reputation of the City. Accordingly the City will be able to say as it did last time:

  • "As for not advertising the position, Skorobohacz said the human resources post had been advertised for two years and six people interviewed without success.

    "I could have advertised the position, but some people will not risk putting their reputations on the line relative to going through the recruitment process," he said of Duben's job."
Guess who is getting the job! Nothing like a built-in "shovel-ready" excuse that can be used successfully again.

Is the rumour true? In this City, who knows. Time will tell!

PS. And here is some news from the other side of the river. A major player in the City of Detroit Administration is also going to be leaving his post soon, so the rumours say. It will be fascinating to see where he moves to and what his job will be given the work he has done over the last year or so.

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