Wednesday, October 31, 2007

"We All Felt That There Is More To This Than We Know"

That was a line from the Dan Stamper interview on WJR radio yesterday. It was a very tough one, the strongest I have heard Dan Stamper give. You can hear it by double-clicking on the screen below.

There is no doubt that there was a tone of anger and frustration in his voice and in what he said. It must mean that the Bridge Company has found something out that has troubled them considerably. Here is the classic line that he used in the interview that is shocking with the poor state of the economy in Michigan and in our region that expresses exactly what I mean:
  • "It should not be this hard to spend a billion private dollars in the State of Michigan with the problems that are going on in the State of Michigan today."
He made some very serious allegations about what is going on in the border crossing matter that I think some people will find pretty startling. I must admit that it confirms my own "theories" that there is a plan designed to force the Ambassador Bridge out of business so that Governments can take over the running of the Windsor Detroit corridor, or rather take over ownership of the crossing and then lease it to a private operator for up to 100 years.

Stamper talks about the Budget fight in Michigan. He goes right after the Governor, MDOT and its Director. He claims that they have said that the Ambassador Bridge project is the best project but for Canada saying that they will not allow it to land in Windsor. Stamper states that Canada has never been quoted in saying that anywhere. He states that Transport Canada said everything but that in their meeting in Ottawa last week. Their position was that if the EA is correct Canada will not stop them from building their bridge!

He wonders why Michigan is "blaming Canada!"

Possible competition between MDOT and the Bridge Co. at the Blue Water Bridge Sarnia is given as a reason as to what is happening in Detroit. It is very similar to what is happening in Windsor where we have our Local Government as a competitor of the private operator. More information is given about the Enhancement Project and its advantages while discussing MDOT's failures at the border crossing at Sarnia/Port Huron. A new Plaza has to be built there at a cost about $450 million to correct the mistakes made. There is a discussion about the role of private enterprise and that private enterprise will do a better job than governments in these types of projects.

The most interestingly part is the seeming warming in relations between Canada and the Bridge Co. Can you believe it! The meeting in Canada must have gone very well with assurances apparently being given that the Government will treat the Bridge Co. fairly in the EA process here. Stamper accuses Michigan of mis-stating Canada's position!

If Stamper is right, and if the lies about the Plaza in Canada are recognized, then the Enhancement Project bridge is the #1 choice for both sides of the river. All that needs to be done then is build the road to that bridge. And Windsor and DRIC have followed now the course set by the Bridge Co. 5 years ago in how to build a road for trucks and how to connect communities!

Listen for yourself below by doubleclicking!

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