Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Room At The Junction

It looks like there is no room at the inn for any of the new Mexican refugees were coming to Windsor. This is according to Ronna Warsh, general manager of social services. Now that was a big surprise to me given that the vacancy rate in Windsor is so high. I would have thought that there are lots of houses and apartments for rent and probably at a pretty good rental rate too.

So I got to thinking and wondered if there was a location in Windsor where some of these refugee families could live and eat until such time as homes could be found for them .

And then it hit me. Why not use the Junction for this. I have attended a couple of press conferences there and attended the luncheon where the proceeds went to Hospice. It has a huge amount of space where dormitory beds could be set up or perhaps walls could be set up for families. It has facilities that can feed hundreds of people. I'm certain that proper washroom and shower facilities could be added very simply.

I would have thought that this would work and could end any disagreements between the Junction's owners and the City.

My feeling is that that City should seriously consider this as an alternative. Here's why. Remember that Globe and Mail story the other day that I posted. It said:
  • "Now some Windsor residents worry the loonie's climb will leave this border city even more dependent on its "sin economy" - the casino, bars and strip joints - an economy that's causing some Windsor citizens to fear going downtown at night."

Then I am sure that you saw the Star story that said:

  • "If you have the entertainment that brings them over, it doesn't matter," said Renaldo Agostino, marketing director for the strip clubs Cheetahs, Leopards and Danny's. "The more expensive American dollar never stopped Canadians from going to America. Whenever I was going over, it was for something I couldn't get here. It's not going to stop them either."

    Agostino said a lower-valued dollar, our drinking age and that full nudity thing -- which is forbidden in U.S. strip clubs -- are not downtown Windsor's only assets."

While they may not be our only assets but they seem to be some pretty damn good ones for some of the American visitors that come over here on the weekend.

Now I got to thinking again about the zoning for the Junction. My belief is that the zoning does not prohibit a sex club from opening up nor a massage parlour.

Can you imagine, there could be dancing at the Junction, lap dancing. Who the heck would care if there was music or not with dancing like that! So that kind of activity cannot be prohibited by the Entertainment Lounge Bylaw. And I'm sure that you read the story as well about the court case in Newmarket that said that a certain activity during a "full body massage is not a sexual act and does not constitute prostitution."

In this case, unlike previously, the Junction owners should have the support of both of the Ward 2 Councillors. Both Councillors Jones and Postma voted to approve an adult entertainment parlour at the Wellington ie a gay strip bar and at the same Council meeting voted against the Junction becoming an "Entertainment Lounge." In fact, Brian Masse should also support the new activity, even though it is very near his home, since he was at the Council meeting and did not oppose the Wellington application.

Even Ms Warsh could get involved too. I bet she might be able to get some provincial money to train some of the Mexican refugees who are on social assistance for a new career just as she did for the Sutherland call centre workers who were on the Ontario Works program.

Don't forget as well that Windsor kicked in $100K for the call centre training too and is building them a parking lot. That's is about equal to what Eddie says the Mexican immigration issue is costing us BEFORE the Senior Levels pay us back the vast majority of the costs!

I wonder if one took a poll amongst the Junction neighbours and offered them the choice between a place where refugess could live temporarily or becoming Sin City West, which one they would prefer.

An Entertainment Lounge might look better and better very soon.

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