Friday, February 16, 2007

Who Is Windsor's Master Politician

We ought to have a contest again. I have not run one for quite some time.

Given that it is election time coming up provincially in a few months and perhaps also federally, I considered if I should ask you who is the best of the best of the politicians. And municipally, we ought to look at people as they jockey for Eddie's job since he is a lame duck Mayor who is losing his control over Council rapidly.

I decided however not to do it. It was no contest.

Now I bet that some of you thought the winner would be Eddie (Mind you, don't forget a chicken suit got almost 18% of the Mayoral votes last time around). What about Dwight or Sandra or Brian or Joe. Percy is trying to be a Councillor of the people building on his CBC fame. Councillor Budget or perhaps Alan with his exposes might be considered. Some smart guys might think that I am talking about Windsor's CAO. I know he rules Council now.

All of them would be good guesses. If that is what you thought, though, you would be wrong.

Nope, there is only ONE choice in town.

Who else would have hired an Economic Development Czar and had him out there talking to business people the week of the Chrysler layoffs.

Who else would have made sure that the Czar had a nice story in the Star on the Friday after the bad news saying all of the right things.

Who else would have made sure that the Czar had already worked on a "120-day action plan" that would be presented to the Commission the day after his name was revealed in the Star so that good news could be reported on Monday.

Who else will ensure that the action plan is widely circulated.

Bad news in Windsor? What bad news? By Tuesday morning you will think that we are living in the most prosperous City in Canada with the greatest opportunities possible. This week will be a distant memory by then.

And if there is no gushing Henderson column Saturday or Tuesday making my choice a hero, I will really be disappointed

Yup, it's a no-brainer. Everyone else is an amateur. Eddie better sign him up for his next campaign before someone else does.

The winner by a long-shot: Remo Mancini!

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