Friday, February 9, 2007

Super Bowl XL And WWE Rasslin'

Did you watch the big Super Bowl game yesterday on TV? I was researching a bigger game being played out in Windsor.

Remember how our huge taxpayer investment in the Super Bowl was to help out or tourism industry, and of course also the image and networking for the Mayor. I was skeptical of the numbers being thrown around especially when we heard not a chirp from our Mayor gloating over the success of what he personally achieved to advance the interests of our City. (Oh sure, there were a few volunteers around who may have helped out too).

I have been proven correct after all of this time

I am not knocking what was achieved and the publicity that Windsor received by it but if our Mayor could be that mistaken on something sports related, then should we be concerned about his economic justificastion for our new arena. I am now and so should you!

Eddie predicted the following to justify the spending of the US$250,000 to be part of the Super Bowl XL TEAM.
  • 02-03-2006 Francis figures the Super Bowl will bring in between $80 to $100 million to Windsor and help the city attract a CFL expansion team.

    02-04-2006 Mayor Eddie Francis said the city is projecting Super Bowl XL will pump at least $80 million into the city's economy.

    "Francis noted that all hotels are at capacity throughout Windsor and beyond with 4,400 rooms booked and added that the NFL estimates each Super Bowl visitor spends about $3,000 over the course of the weekend and are "conservative" estimates..

    02-07-2006 "In the short term, officials estimate between 20,000 and 30,000 tourists visited Windsor last week, spending millions of dollars."

    03-27-2006 "A preliminary study suggests Detroit's big game was a cash bonanza for Windsor and Essex County.

    Mayor Eddie Francis said that economic impact studies indicate the average football fan spent $966 US during their visits for goods and services beyond the costs of travel and accommodation."

While the results are good, they do not even come close to what the Mayor predicted. The actuals are a mere fraction of what he hyped!

Here is the official result as stated by Gord Orr at the November Convention and Visitors Bureau Board meeting held just days before the last municipal election. Such perfect timing too don't you think:

  • SuperBowl XL Economic Impact

    G. Orr reports that SuperBowl brought in 8,541 room nights with an average of 3.2 people per room, staying an average of 2.8 nights and spending an average of $339.00 per day. That equates to $9 million in direct spending and an overall impressive $21 million in economic impact. (The economic impact formula was based on an industry average also used by Detroit).

Of course what was also not factored in was that hotels were normally 50-60% booked over the weekend so that Orr's figures have to be discounted by half.

Here was my guess at the economic impact as I Blogged on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 "Hyping Suckers:" $10 million

Here is another item passed at that same meeting, again days before the election:

  • World Wrestling Entertainment Canada, Inc. (WWE)

    G. Orr provides an overview of the Wrestlemania Event that will take place at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan on Sunday, April 1, 2007. He outlines the WWE Canada partnership opportunity that would provide our region promotional leverage and would not require increased funding but rather an allocation of 2007 funds.

    Moved by G. Zec, seconded by M. Boscariol,

    That the CVB BE SUPPORTED of the fact that in 2007, part of the marketing strategy for the Convention & Visitors Bureau will include a $60,000 partnership with World Wrestling Entertainment Canada, Inc., which will support and enhance Windsor’s role in this international marketing opportunity.


And then the CAO got involved giving the approval as can be seen by the image above with his "Delegation" authority.

Now do you remember Council approving this spending with the Mayor making great speeches about how WWE will help out the Windsor economy? Do you see teams of volunteers out and about for Wrestlemania? Do you notice any hype coming from the publicity machine at City Hall?

Perhaps you can explain the difference in approach. The only thing I can think of is that 2007 is NOT an election year and Roger Penske is not involved or the elite in Michigan.

After all, how can Eddie drink beer once he has tasted champagne!

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