Monday, February 5, 2007

Dueling Buddies

Is it "Cherchez Le Mayor" to explain what is going on?

They are fighting--the canoeing friends, Star Columnist Gord Henderson and Councillor Alan Halberstadt. And is it ever going to get nasty before this is done. Can this be the end of a friendship that Gord said at one time has lasted since the 1960's?

Can this be true? Why do I suspect this? The Councillor wrote not one but two BLOGs to counter the remarks made by Henderson in a recent column

And to be blunt about it, the language used by both is pretty strong.

Let me give you some evidence that Alan may have finally had it with Gord and took the opportunity to hit back at his friend.

At one time, Gord called Alan a "courageous" Councillor who was graded B+ since "I believe he made a solid contribution in 2005 as a dedicated conservationist and equally dedicated fiscal watchdog."

It all started falling apart over the Barn and the East end arena.

On February 9, 2006, Henderson was all in favour of Alan's plan to refurbish the Barn
  • "And if anyone thinks Windsor still needs more than a functional hockey rink, they should stroll over to Pitt and McDougall and check out this city's answer to the Grand Canyon.[the $400-million hotel, convention and entertainment centre being added to Casino Windsor]...

    Now all we need is an improved home for the Spits. The barn reno/ expansion would serve that limited purpose admirably without becoming a drain on taxpayers."

Then a mere few days later, on February 18, Gord dumped Alan, reversing himself saying

  • "In an interview this week, the mayor all but rejected Coun. Alan Halberstadt's proposal to upgrade Windsor Arena and made it clear he'll be seeking council backing for one final push to replace the 80-year-old Barn.

    "My position is quite clear. I want to get one done. This city has demonstrated not only that it wants it, but that it needs it," said Francis...

    He wouldn't put it in those words. But the message I took from his comments is that the city... might have the means to move well beyond the $15 million already budgeted for a new arena, without increasing the load on city taxpayers...

    Now or never. And if it's now, what a coup that would be for city politicians in an election year."
Then in October, a rather nasty comment directed towards Alan as Gord slammed him using these words over the East End arean:
  • "Alan Halberstadt, who suffered a ludicrous last-minute brain warp over a possible conflict of interest, this was the mortifying low point of his career. In future Halberstadt might want to make his own mind up, instead of taking marching orders from anonymous e-mailers who could be residing in Tecumseh, or Timbuktu."
And finally, the Three Blind Mice column with Alan waving
  • "the white flag for some time, mouthing off about compromises and trade-offs. This isn't a rummage sale, Al. This is Windsor's fate for the next century and beyond and you sound like someone prepared to auction it to the highest bidder. Not a becoming role."
You will have to be the judge of what is going on. Is it real though or just theatre? Is a feud brewing or is it all pretend to fool us? Is it a phony deal cooked up by the E-machine to build up Alan's image? I have to remind you that Alan was a big booster of the Mayor when he announced he was running the first time. And Gord, well........

Is their friendship strong enough to continue or is it all done now? The common denominator in Gord's attacks is Gord choosing Eddie's position over his friend's.

Why just today Alan was quoted in the Star saying:
  • "Coun. Alan Halberstadt, who was appointed to 20 committees for the next two years, said he listed police, Enwin and the convention and visitors bureau as his preferred choices. But after being shut out of those, he wondered whether his sometimes controversial positions on issues and his ability to ruffle feathers on council did him in.

    "I think probably, there's a factor there. But what can I do?"
What can you do...Oh Alan, you are a realist. You know who calls the shots at City Hall. Knuckle under and then you will get what you want. Until then, tough luck. You are back in the wilderness again but without a paddle.

Can anyone save their relationship? There is only one person but he has just knocked off already two potential challengers to Councillor Valentinis being appointed Mayor so do not expect him to be of assistance!

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