Monday, February 19, 2007

Is Mike Hurst Lonely Too

Does Mike Hurst now have something in common with the Maytag Repair Man? Is he living in a "virtual world" still thinking that DRTP can actually be the next border crossing? Will his Blogs create unfortunately increased "feelings of loneliness for those who aren't lucky enough to reach "celebrity" status." I and my fellow Bloggers must be "stars" in Windsor such that the big Star in Windsor had to run a front page story on Bloggers.

Yes, dear reader, after billboards, newspapers, media commercials, glossy newsletters, Powerpoint presentation and a fortune in lobbyist fees, has the ex-Mayor of Windsor and the DRTP CEO become a Blogger now too!

My secret internet search tool found a BLOGsite that purports to be created by the Jobs Tunnel. Lets see if it gets active too. So far it seems to be in a Beta mode.

One thing though, if it is a DRTP BLOG, they must be in big financial trouble. It is hosted by a freebie site!

What could be next, A Mayor of Windsor BLOG so Eddie can tell us what a good job he is doing?

Anyway, welcome to my world MIKE! And if you do need a job when the DRTP office closes, Maytag is looking for another spokesperson

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