Thursday, February 15, 2007

Another "Newspaper" For Windsor

The number of people who contacted me about the front page Star story and photograph on Bloggers was quite surprising.

Was it a slow news day for this much coverage to be given to a relatively "nothing" story? Hardly. The real reason for the story is that that someone in town is getting quite worried about the power of Bloggers to warrant that kind of front page "negative" coverage. All of this consistent and uncomplimentary blogging about what is going on in this City must be hitting the mark.

What is the saying about the truth hurting? Well I assume someone must be in great pain!

It appears though that we Windsor Bloggers are going to be less lonely for the next little bit at least. Thanks to Paul Synnott for this head's up.

Here is a review of Bloggers in town
  • "This concern lead me to a quick and dirty peek through the wired to see if my beloved hometown was being adequately represented online. Verdict? It is, and how!

    Granted, reading all of them at once is like looking at 17 paintings of the same thing [which we'll discuss further in a moment], but that is to their credit, because they're all extremely well researched and well written. I present them here, for your perusal.

    Schnurr's Sound-Off. Former MP candidate Chris Schnurr has been blogging daily since November of last year with informative posts about all things muncipal in the Rose City. An eyecatching design coupled with an understanding of layout make for a mandatory stop on your evening surf.

    WindsorCityBlog. Windsor lawyer Ed Arditti is another thoughtful blogger from Windsor who comments on everything from Gord Henderson to border issues. He encourages correspondence and activism from his readers. Though his layout strikes me as a tad familiar... [NOTE: we both use Google as our host and use a Google template]

    Windsor Municpal Shadow. He is exactly what he says he is. While not as prolific as Scnurr or Arditti, Paul Synnott unloads on the faults and foibles of council without snark or sarcasm, which is a dangerous balance to maintain.

    Windsor Independent News Blog. The closest thing to 'successor' for the old Voice of Windsor, WINB is an open forum site that encourages readers to take an active role in the creation of content on the site. The site currently focuses on community events with local news sprinkled throughout, but who's to say it will remain that way? That's up to you.

    W.E. Speak. Too much surfing for you? Windsor Essex Speak gathers every new post from the sites in its network and puts them in one place for you. How easy is that, you lazy bums?

    And surprisingly, local politicians are blogging as well, with Ward 3 Councillor Alan Halberstadt offering a considerable amount of content every week."

And do not forget the Star's own Bloggers too.

Worry, worry a lot. There now is an effective alternative media in Windsor. And our numbers will only keep growing!

Hmmmm, you know what would be fun...if we Bloggers joined together and started an online "newspaper." I am sure I can think of someone experienced who could be our Senior Editor. There must be lots of people who would like to write. I bet that the cost of starting up would be minimal. If the comments from my readers are an indication, there is a desire for an alternative voice in this City. We might even get some advertisers so we could afford to write and eat too.

Hmmm I wonder....At least I won't be so lonely any more.

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