Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The $60,000 Question

Nooooo. I am not talking about the $60,000 to save the Capitol Theatre. That's just artsy stuff for those high falutin' people who like music, art and theatre. You know whose kids were at Council telling the Mayor and Councillors a few weeks ago for several hours how important the Capitol was in their lives.

After all, do we really want those snobby, young professionals like doctors and engineers in IT that the Mayor wanted to attract to Windsor who might like to know that we have an active theatre company. Nawwwwwwwww let them stay in Toronto if they want that.

What the heck, let Mr. Farhi look after our Capitol theatre as he did the Capitol in London. That's how he can become a good neighbour.

No I am talking about the $60,000 that we are giving the WWE for their one-time sports night, not money for some silly continuing program for the arts in Windsor.

Why I am sure that the Mayor will soon come out and tell us how many millions that will attract and how it built on his Super Bowl success.

I like how it was done too...check out my BLOG Friday, February 09, 2007 "Super Bowl XL And WWE Rasslin'" to see how the money was dished out. Council did not even have to bother doing it in public. So messy you know. I told you that the CAO runs the City but you still will not believe me

I can hardly wait for all of the excitement that is coming to town. No, not Wrestlemania....the sale of the Capitol assets by the bankruptcy trustee by auction. Some good bargains I bet. You'll have to wrestle your way in through the crowds to be able to bid.

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