Tuesday, February 27, 2007

More Letters To The BLOGMeister

Here are some more emails from readers but the first two are exchanges between me and the City Clerk:

Further to Councillor Hatfield's comments about lack of notice re the strategic session, I too did not receive anything

As an accredited member of the media reporting on City Hall matters, please advise how I get a mail slot at City Hall


2) Trying to get border elusive letters that the Mayor promised to release

----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Arditti
To: Brenda Andreatta
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 5:04 PM
Subject: Border letters

The City recently sent letters to Transport Minister Cannon and to Premier Dalton McGuinty and other provincial government leaders requesting their support to dismiss the Ambassador Bridge's application to twin its span.

I believe that the Mayor at Council said that he would make them available to Councillor Halberstadt and that they were to be placed on the public agenda.

Since I have not yet seen them produced, please provide me with a copy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Arditti Sent: February 12, 2007 6:38 PM
To: Brenda Andreatta
Subject: Re: Border letters
Importance: High

Are these letters available yet?

Ed Arditti

----- Original Message -----
From: Andreatta, Brenda
To: 'Ed Arditti'
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 8:31 PM
Subject: RE: Border letters

Mr. Arditti: this matter was subject of a council question which has been referred to the General Manager of Public Works for a response. I do not have these letters.

[Andreatta, Brenda]

I am sorry but I do not understand your email. The Mayor has the letters and he said publicly he would produce them. Why is this an issue for the General Manager of Public Works

Ed Arditti


3) Pictures of Bambi and friends enjoying their last winter at Inferior Park

4) Come on down potential investors to Windsor... that is if you can get through the thousands of protestors the CAW are hoping will be in town to demonstrate the unemployment situation in Windsor.

(a)Here in Windsor we have had a "dead meat" campaign promoted by the CAW wherein if you didn't buy a Big Three car you would be "dead-meat" in town.
(b)Remember us.... we were the city that made national headlines when the local CAW approached Tim Horton's and voiced their strong disapproval of having a Toyoto RAV 4 for first prize and stated how disgusing it was to have an "import" as a prize. (I'm still trying to locate Cambridge, Japan in my atlas)
(c) Oh yea... come invest in Windsor where we have union leaders from the CAW throwing rocks and breaking windows at a bus at a picket line. The coverage we got on all national news networks was superb.
(d) and oh yea, come to Windsor where we have cab drivers that get beat up by their
own union leaders because they refuse to stop working so they at least can pay for food on their tables"
(e) Yep, this is the town where the CAW are planning on having thousands of protesters on the streets sometime in the future.

There is rumour that we have a bad union image in this town but don't believe it.. we are strong supporters of this community. The CAW workers are making $34 an hour and we are the highest paid workers in Canada and won't accept a penny less.. we will hold firm. Yep... our problems in Windsor are because of the government... not us... that is for sure!

If we can help you with your investment... just call one of our local CAW leadership spokesmen... that is... as long as they aren't applying make-up for another 15 minutes of fame for themselves before the cameras.

Bring your investments to Windsor... we want you! Oh, almost forgot... if you do come to town, bring a watering can because based on the recent IQ taken of these union spokesmen... they will need watering twice a day. "

5) (Re the Star story about the increased arena costs) Why stop at $65M?

...a creative blogmeister should have a competition to see what the final cost will be and then 18-24 months from now, you can buy the winner a Tim Horton's coffee and a donut.

Just so you know, my final tally for Eddie's Ice Palace (remember back on Caroline Postma No New Taxes Day) was $49M. My estimate........$101.1M

6) Not since the days of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover has such innuendo & guilt-by-association, observed by anonymous informants been used to convict someone of an act that isn’t a crime!

Let’s face it – Dave Batagello & this lonely blogger have seen the same neutral “facts.” The Windsor Star’s editorial position concludes differently than an independent blogger. Actually SEVERAL bloggers – and a multitude of citizens based on comments received at Windsor City Blogspot.

So what did J. Edgar do when those pesky facts didn’t line up with his view of reality? Ad hominem attack – kill the person rather than refute the argument. Generate casual observations, accept hearsay accusations regardless ulterior motive (credible or delusional sources, it matters not!) and pass it up the pipeline.

The culmination, of course, was the infamous McCarthy list of communists in the government. (Now was it 206 as it was in Wheeling, West Virginia Feb 9 1950… or was it 81 the following Monday in Washington?) Well, history knows that the list was never revealed, if there ever really was a list. The attempt to silence intellectual opponents (the List, the entertainment Black Lists, etc.) with rumor & innuendo unraveled during the Red Scare. Thank God for the Windsor Star, now looking for Bolsheviks under Windsorite’s beds!

In the words of Edward R Murrow, the famed CBS journalist widely credited turning the tide in the midst of the Red Scare, “Now is not the time for those who oppose Senator McCarthy’s methods to be silent.” I suspect if Morrow were alive today, he would be a blogger…

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