Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Councillor Budget's "Open And Transparent" Government

Does anyone remember how Councillor Budget made his reputation when he was Chair of STOPDRTP? Here is part of the Star Story dated February 25, 2003:

  • "City backs revised DRTP; Residents call decision 'an absolute betrayal'

    Amid charges of betrayal, city council has reversed its opposition to the northern section of the Detroit Rail Tunnel Proposal in exchange for the province taking responsibility for E.C. Row Expressway.

    The decision, made during a closed-door meeting Saturday, comes just weeks after council voted unanimously against use of the rail corridor as a truck highway at an emotional meeting Jan. 27 attended by 800 residents.

    "This is the absolute betrayal of the residents of the City of Windsor," said Dave Brister, chairman of the South/West Windsor Ratepayers Association, a residents group fighting the DRTP plan.

    "Mayor (Mike) Hurst and the councillors who have chosen to turn their backs on the residents of Windsor by now favouring the DRTP proposal have proven that they do not deserve the positions of trust which they hold...

    Several other councillors contacted Monday were hesitant to comment since the matter was discussed behind closed doors...

    Remo Mancini, vice-president of the Ambassador Bridge company, questioned the city's reversal and making such an important decision behind closed doors.

    "It appears what council talks about in public forum is different than what they do behind closed doors," Mancini said. "If this is what they want to do, have a public meeting, make a public decision. Once that's done, then everyone can make an appropriate response."

I bring this up because Councillor Budget, in his fullness, was so proud at Council to tell us that Council only spent 8 hours behind closed doors while it spent 25 hours in public. As if those numbers mean anything.

It is what goes on behind closed doors that bothers me and should bother you, dear reader, but not it seems Councillor Budget. I guess things change when you are elected and sit on the other side. The Councillor seems to forget what got him there in the first place.

I wonder if Councillor Budget, since he is a numbers man, could tell us how many Council meetings there were in his first term on the border that were held in camera and how many were held in public.

So what could have been discussed in camera during the last quarter--the border and the "enemies" list (I am still waiting to get the letters that the Mayor publicly promised to provide. Councillor Budget has them now so perhaps he can reveal them publicly), the arena, Canderel, St.Clair?

I could not believe the Councillor's asinine remark when he said that only 2 or 3 people out of 200,000 in Windsor are concerned about this issue. However, if I am one of them, then I must be travelling in good company. I believe that the Editors of the Star have trouble with the secrecy at City Hall as well.

PS Go to http://windsormunicipal.blogspot.com/ and cast your vote to for your view about "open and transparent" Government.

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