Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The $60,000 Question

Nooooo. I am not talking about the $60,000 to save the Capitol Theatre. That's just artsy stuff for those high falutin' people who like music, art and theatre. You know whose kids were at Council telling the Mayor and Councillors a few weeks ago for several hours how important the Capitol was in their lives.

After all, do we really want those snobby, young professionals like doctors and engineers in IT that the Mayor wanted to attract to Windsor who might like to know that we have an active theatre company. Nawwwwwwwww let them stay in Toronto if they want that.

What the heck, let Mr. Farhi look after our Capitol theatre as he did the Capitol in London. That's how he can become a good neighbour.

No I am talking about the $60,000 that we are giving the WWE for their one-time sports night, not money for some silly continuing program for the arts in Windsor.

Why I am sure that the Mayor will soon come out and tell us how many millions that will attract and how it built on his Super Bowl success.

I like how it was done too...check out my BLOG Friday, February 09, 2007 "Super Bowl XL And WWE Rasslin'" to see how the money was dished out. Council did not even have to bother doing it in public. So messy you know. I told you that the CAO runs the City but you still will not believe me

I can hardly wait for all of the excitement that is coming to town. No, not Wrestlemania....the sale of the Capitol assets by the bankruptcy trustee by auction. Some good bargains I bet. You'll have to wrestle your way in through the crowds to be able to bid.

Windsor Sidewalks Not Streets Are Paved In Gold

In Windsor, it is the sidewalks not the streets that are paved in gold.

I read an interesting report that was presented to Council recently. I suggest that every Litigator in Windsor read it also. If this does not get you increased settlements and punitive damages awards for your clients then something is wrong with the legal system.

Oh and make sure that you subpoena the Mayor as the only full-time member of Council to explain what is happening here and why better action was not taken.

Here is what I wrote before:
  • "Read what Councillor Lewenza said in a Star story recently ["Trip, fall claims soar as sidewalks crumble] about all of the litigation because of cracks in the sidewalks:

    "But it's difficult to strike a balance between spending money on such projects and holding the line on taxes. Coun. Ken Lewenza said it's easy to come up with a tax freeze when infrastructure projects like sidewalk repairs are ignored. "We can always come in at zero -- it'll come at the expense of sidewalks."

    Given that "The claims filed against the city over the last several years have increased dramatically....203 trip and fall claims over the last five years," it seems like a false economy...

    "About $650,000 has been set aside this year to repair some of the worst sidewalks in Windsor. But it's not enough.

    "We should be spending in the order of $1.25 million," Palanacki said...

    Windsor has about 850 kilometres of sidewalks, and "funding in this program needs to be increased ... from a risk management point of view," the capital works report says...

    Palanacki said the average lifespan of sidewalks is 40 years "and a lot of our sidewalks are beyond the 40 years."

    They're cracked. They're crumbling. They've become a menace, especially to senior citizens."
In the report we learn that:
  • 23% of sidewalks are deficient
  • $5M is needed for sidewalks in need of immediate replacement
  • in past years "drive-by" inspections were taken but in 2005 a more comprehensive inspection was undertaken
  • a minimum anual investment of $1.65m was needed in sidewalk rehabilitation
  • sidewalk maintenance and rehabilitation ranged from $715K to $1.1M
  • traditionally the sidewalk rehabilitation program has been underfunded

It is pretty clear that there has been neglect of sidewalks and of proper inspection of them. Such a systemic failure over a considerable number of years can lead to major claims against the City and more costs for taxpayers since my understanding is that there is a big deductible.

Now I have a vested interest in this because of my fall at City Hall almost 18 months ago... yes I am still in physio and still in pain. I even had to go to London, twice, for an opinion about the extent of my injuries and recovery. However, I feel better now thinking of what questions I can ask the Mayor on the stand.

Waiting For The Governments At The Bridge Offices

No matter what you want to say about the Bridge Co., good or bad, they run a good border operation, the best between Canada and the US. [Oh my, another "linking" for the Windsor Star to wrote about when they decide to do another smear job on me]

I don't have to go out of town to make comparisons as Brian Masse does. I know that the private enterprise round-trip Bridge tolls are lower than the Cities-owned "public" Detroit/Windsor Tunnel tolls.

And in spite of higher truck tolls than the Blue Water Bridge and all of those Huron Church stoplights, the Bridge Co. takes business away from the Blue Water Bridge. It must be that a trucker, unlike an NDP MP whose name I will not mention, has figured out business economics. It may be cheaper in the long-run and make sense to pay a few dollars more at a private bridge, where the owner re-invests his profits in his facility so the trucker clears the border faster, rather than sitting at a lower cost public bridge on the expressway leading to it waiting and waiting and waiting at $125 per hour.

And I won't even get into the issue of volumes at the bridge and Tunnel in Windsor except to ask how Councillor Budget will find the cash to replace the millions in lost Tunnel dividends due to the ongoing, massive downward spiral in traffic. Higher taxes perhaps? Not only has he lost control of the City's Operating budget to Admin but he is a WTC member. Now didn't he claim in his election campaign that he was a successful small businessperson. I guess "small" is the operative word.

I want you to read about Alinda, the mysterious private investor who now seems to be in charge of the operations of the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel. I wonder why the WTC Chair, our Mayor, has not seen fit to tell us about it nor has the Star reported on it. I wonder if that is why the Mayor cancelled the public session about the Tunnel Plaza Improvements so quickly and without an explanation with no new date set.

I want to see if you will learn some lessons after reading the story below. And then, I want you to understand why someone in Government, at all levels, better figure out soon that they had better make a pilgrimmage to the Bridge Co. offices and start talking to them to do a deal before the Bridge Co. figures out finally how strong their bargaining position is.
  • Elmore County Commissioners Step In Toll Fare Protest
    WSFA TV 12 Feb 27, 2007

    Monday night the Elmore County Commission voted to stand firm against the rate increases at the toll bridges. Chairman Joe Faulk admits the resolution has no legal muscle but commissioners plan to milk it for all it's worth.

    "We'll work with our local legislative delegates and use political pressure," said Faulk.

    Alinda Roads, LLC, is the company that owns the Emerald Mountain and the Alabama River Parkway toll bridges. Alinda Roads announced last week that it plans to raise the tolls by 50 cents beginning March 1. Company CEO Gordon Jarvis told WSFA 12 News that "there's not much he can say. I understand the commission's need to support its citizens." Jarvis added, "We made some difficult business decisions and we stand by them."

    "We understand that Alinda Roads is a private company but the roads leading to the toll bridges are county roads and we feel like we should have had a say in these matters," said Commissioner Faulk.

    Jarvis, meantime, says the company is still interested in talking with commissioners from Montgomery and Elmore Counties about revenue sharing. According to Elmore County tax records, Alinda Roads holds the mortgage of $34 and a half million dollars on the Emerald Mountain toll bridge and $75 million on the Alabama River Parkway toll bridge. Quite a profit for Jim Allen who spent just over $13 million building both bridges.
Lessons learned:
  1. Expect Alinda to try and increase Tunnel tolls to help pay for their investment..... when they do, business will continue to flow to the Bridge where tolls are lower

  2. Instead of working with each other to bring tourists back to our region, the Tunnel will continue to compete unsuccessfully to get its revenues back to where they were before thereby increasing the downward number of visitors here.

  3. Eddie will moan and groan and rail against Alinda as they increase the tolls they have under their control. I'd then like to hear him say "boycott the Tunnel" but he can't milk it for all it's worth can he?

  4. Gee, they have problems with the roads to the Bridge too!

  5. Hmmm the owner of both bridges made a big profit as private infrastructure money chased after his bridges. I wonder what the Ambassador Bridge is worth if someone tried to lease it long-term or buy it today. If I gave you the number I calculate based on what the going rate is, my vast out-of-town readership who comes here to get the truth about the Windsor border might croak!

  6. No P3 bridge can compete against the Bridge Co. assuming there is fair competition (as Transport Canada committed to the House and Senate Committees that there would be). A toll four times higher to pay for the P3 bridge would drive traffic to the Ambassador Bridge.

  7. Both theTunnel and the P3 bridge will go bankrupt as they lose business (and taxpayers lose a fortune) and guess to whom Governments will run in order to get help to get them out of a jam

  8. Brian Masse will finally have an authority running the border crossings in Windsor except that the authority will be the Bridge Co. because the geniuses in Toronto and Ottawa have no idea how the market works and have never learned how to compete. They are regulators after all.

When you look at what has happened in Windsor over the past 4-5 years, instead of its position weakening, the Bridge Co.'s position has become stronger. It was not supposed to happen that way, was it!

PS. I just have to do this to show you how anti-user and flawed Bill C-3 is. This is what my NDP MP member allowed to pass. GGGGrrrrrrrrrrr.

Take this example

  • Alinda increases Tunnel tolls
  • The P3 bridge's tolls are four times higher that those of the Ambassador Bridge as I demonstrated before
  • Traffic will flow to the Ambassador Bridge because of its lower tolls
  • The Bridge Co. can handle the traffic increase because of its investments in its facility improvements
  • The other 2 crossings will suffer traffic and revenue losses and under Bill C-3 can complain about the Ambassador Bridge's tolls [This was supposed to help users not competitors]
  • Because the Ambassador Bridge has so much more traffic, Bill C-3 allows the Government to step in because of the "adverse effects on the flow of traffic" ie too many users at the lower cost Ambassador Bridge can cause some backups.
  • To eliminate any traffic flow problems, the Government would be forced to require the private enterprise Ambasador Bridge to increase its tolls to match those of the higher cost public bridge and Tunnel.

The end result--significant and higher tolls for users. And the Bridge Co. makes a huge pile of extra money from the sky-high tolls they are required to charge as users still go there since they will clear faster at that bridge...........Thanks Brian!

Putting The Fun In Border Politics

I never knew how powerful this BLOG was until last Saturday's Star story. Read on as I demonstrate to you how much fun border politics is.

I got to thinking about the two Provincial Minister comedians we had in town the other day. I wanted to get a copy of the Infrastructure Minister's remarks. Not on his Ministry site or that of Infrastructure Ontario.

I wanted to see how newspapers other than the Star covered the story--nothing. That was so bizarre. A Minister comes all the way here and no coverage on such a big deal.

Then I got it. It was all a phony, designed by Dwight and Sandra to impress the home folks. Do you really think the Liberals want to scare investors by sounding like the NDP on public ownership. Nope the Star coverage was nothing more than to appeal to the local market, to pretend to be doing something when they have no authority to do anything since it is a Federal matter.

It smelled so similar to the phony Gong Show announcement of money to support Schwartz that was never really there. Do they think we are all that stupid not to see through their charade!

Oh and as for what we were told at the DRIC CCG meeting about a decision in June. Are they crazy....there is an election in October. Do you think Sandra and Dwight want to take a position that can get someone angry at them and cost them a vote in what may be a tough campaign. Forget that. Nope it's better to be able to say that they are respecting the DRIC process and would prefer not to make any comments until DRIC's report comes out, after the election.

And my good buddy, NDP Brian Masse. Well, talk about my BLOG beig powerful. I never really knew until he opened his mouth. Here I was thinking that a few local folks came here every so often to have a few chuckles.

Wow was I ever wrong. Here is part of what Brian said:

  • "outside of here it [my BLOG] can confuse people and damage the city's reputation."

Don't you see, I have a huge readership outside of Windsor that reads my stuff and is influenced by it! Amazing. And my BLOG is so well-thought of that what I say confuses people and gives people the wrong impression about , yes there really are some people here who can think and who want to solve the border issue. That's something that even Brian can't do and he's an MP! At least until the next election.

Now I can say he must read my BLOG and learned something from it so he is accurate that way. He does not talk about the Ambassador Bridge tolls being higher than public tolls because the Cities-owned Tunnel's charges are higher than those of the privately owned bridge. Brian goes out of town now to make the comparison. I wonder too how Brian explains how the "public" Tunnel's volumes have dropped so much in so short a time in comparison with that of the private bridge.

Poor Brian likes talking about Fort Erie....Here is a recent story. It sounds like something a private operator would do to pay for improvements.

  • "Peace Bridge tolls are likely to increase starting in April to help pay for the cost of building a second bridge and new U.S. plaza, bridge officials said Monday."

Their car tolls go up to $3 from $2.50 while truck tolls go up from $1 to $11, depending on the number of axles on a truck.

Brian had some comments in the House of Commons again in the House the other day. My comments are in bold. I truly hope that I do not mix up my vast out-of-town readership another time:

  • Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP):

    Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege to ask a question in the House of Commons. On December 7 I asked a question of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. I wanted to find out from the minister the position of the government on public versus private ownership of the Windsor-Detroit border. For those who are not aware, this is the busiest international trade corridor in North America. It is one that has a significant impact on the economy.

    Recently Citigroup, a financial institution and one that anyone could hardly suggest is a left leaning think tank, did a study on public versus private ownership of international bridges and tunnels. From that, it measured several different factors. It looked at interest rates, equity, corporate income tax and sales tax. The result of all those analyses was that private ownership would have a 35% to 40% increase in toll rates versus those of under public ownership. [Oh Brian, was this the one done for the "public" Peace Bridge. Check out on the Internet other reports Citigroup have done. Release it so we can see what else it says. So now when the Peace Bridge needs money, they can "borrow" it and raise tolls]

    Windsor and the surrounding area have four border crossings right now, with a mixture of ownership. One that is privately held has significantly higher tolls than even its competitors, for example, in Sault Ste. Marie, Sarnia, Fort Erie, Buffalo and also in the region. [The Cities-owned Detroit/Windsor Tunnel is higher Brian...don't forget!]

    As we move forward with a brand new border crossing in my region, our concern is that it be publicly owned and operated and that we ensure the lowest fares possible to add increased competition, but not tax the users too much. We all know about the manufacturing issues in Ontario right now. Being able to compete fairly with the international trade agreements coming into force is very concerning to manufacturers. We do not want to add an additional tax burden on the businesses currently there. [Brian, if the Ambassador Bridge is so expensive, why do so many trucks go there rather than cross at the public bridge in Sarnia? Could it be because they cross quicker at the Ambassador Bridge saving the truckers time and money?]

    I ask for a commitment from the parliamentary secretary's government that the next bridge crossing between Windsor and Detroit will be one publicly owned and operated, similar to others being built across the country.

    Mr. Brian Jean (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, CPC):

    Mr. Speaker, I can assure the member that we will do what is in the best interest of Canadians and Canadian taxpayers, as well as residents in the Windsor area.

    The gateway is essential to Canada, and we know that it is very important. As the member mentioned, it is the busiest border crossing. It is absolutely essential to not only our trade but to our continued economic success and security. [SNORE....Are you as tired as I about these platitudes!]

    The government is working right now with bilateral and binational partners, such as the United States federal government, the state of Michigan and the province of Ontario where it is situated, to develop a solution that ensures sufficient capacity across the Detroit River to facilitate cross-border trade and traffic, and in fact to enhance it.

    As part of this work, we are conducting a comprehensive and harmonized environmental assessment, and I am sure the member would encourage that environmental assessment, to identify the locations of the bridge crossing, the inspection plazas and the access roads.

    As well, we are also assessing possible models for delivery of the new crossing because we want to do what is in the best interest of Canadian taxpayers, who are ultimately our boss. Private sector participation, such as the public-private partnership, is one of the models that is being considered.

    In November the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities stated at the public-private partnership conference in Toronto that the government was exploring the opportunities for using a private-public partnership for financing, building, operating and maintaining the new crossing between Windsor and Detroit. This is just one of several options, and I want to be clear with the member. We on this side of the House act in the best interest of Canadian taxpayers. No decision has been made as of it. This can deliver new infrastructure more efficiently and more expeditiously.

    Although the government can borrow at a lower rate than the private sector, which is one of the considerations the member has brought forward, financing is only one of the many possible considerations that we have to look at before making this decision.

    The cost of private sector borrowing would be offset by the risk that the private sector would take and by increased innovation and efficiency. I suggest the member would have to agree with what the private sector can bring to occasional projects from time to time.

    We still have appropriate and effective public oversight by the federal government. More specific, Bill C-3, which was one of the initial pieces of legislation the Conservative government put forward, received royal asset on February 1. No matter what model the government picks, it will be the model for governance over our international bridges and tunnels for the best interest of Canadians. The Conservative government will also ensure that the operator puts in place mechanisms to address community concerns.

    Let me assure members that the government is absolutely committed to selecting the delivery option that provides the greatest value for taxpayers while maintaining appropriate public oversight of the new crossing. It is quite frankly a balance for the best interest of Canadians.

    The government will continue to work with the binational partnership, all of our partners and listen to stakeholders to explore models for delivering the new crossing that is in the best interest of Canadians. If such a model cannot meet the objectives of the Government of Canada or its United States partner, alternative delivery mechanisms will be pursued.

    The Windsor-Detroit gateway is a matter of national priority and the government remains committed to ensuring that a new crossing will be in place by 2013, but we will do so in the best interest of Canadian taxpayers, the residents and all stakeholders.

    Mr. Brian Masse:
    Mr. Speaker, given the importance of this infrastructure and the future of our country, it is a slam dunk in terms of moving toward public accountability and ownership.

    I have done parliamentary research in the past. What has been concluded when examining public versus private ownership is that under public ownership we have direct control over access, safety, quality and pricing. It is very important for national security issues. [Oh Brian, Bill C-3 has passed. That fight is over already. And you know what the Bridge Co. said about that anyway]

    Second to that, I point out that I am concerned about the way the government is operating and moving toward an American style privatization of highway systems, which means increased tolls. What ends up happening is we get investment bankers. For example, Australian and Spanish builders in the United States have taken advantage of the public assets and have make huge profits at the expense of ordinary citizens. However, now there is a backlash because they have gone too far down that road. [Careful Brian, that was what Eddie may have wanted to do with the Tunnel. Are you going to attack him now?]

    What I want to hear from the government is whether it will support the call for public ownership.

    Now the province of Ontario has joined the cause. In the parliamentary secretary's response to me he mentioned the provincial government. Last Friday in the Windsor Star, David Caplan, the province's public infrastructure minister, said:
    The Ontario government is urging Ottawa to steer clear of private ownership of the next Windsor-Detroit border crossing... [Ontario Cabinet Ministers can say what they want since they have no authority. Like the NDP]

    Once again, I stress the importance of public ownership. Get on with the next crossing and avoid lawsuits. It will happen if we have public-private partnerships. [Huh, how is a lawsuit going to be avoided if you take away the Bridge Co.'s business]

    Mr. Brian Jean:
    Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for his interest and his research. I would suggest that instead of holding it close to his chest, as so many other members from other parties in the House do, he should provide that information to me. I would be more than happy to look at it, review it and provide it to the minister if it be appropriate. We are a government that is listening to stakeholders and listening to all parties because that is what Canadians want us to do, to work together. I would suggest that the member and all members do that. [How can Brian do that. What else does the Report say?]

    I just hope it is not similar to the situation with respect to Bill C-6 which is in the transport committee, and Bill C-11. Bill C-11 was on the projected order for today but I understand the NDP put forward some speakers to try to hold up legislation again. I am hoping that we can count on the member to provide us with the cooperation that is necessary to move legislation through the House and to move in a way that acts in the best interest of Canadians.

    I assure the member that is what this government will do. We will act in the best interest of Canadians overall, but we have a balance to strike and we will strike that balance for the Canadian public.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

More Letters To The BLOGMeister

Here are some more emails from readers but the first two are exchanges between me and the City Clerk:

Further to Councillor Hatfield's comments about lack of notice re the strategic session, I too did not receive anything

As an accredited member of the media reporting on City Hall matters, please advise how I get a mail slot at City Hall


2) Trying to get border elusive letters that the Mayor promised to release

----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Arditti
To: Brenda Andreatta
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 5:04 PM
Subject: Border letters

The City recently sent letters to Transport Minister Cannon and to Premier Dalton McGuinty and other provincial government leaders requesting their support to dismiss the Ambassador Bridge's application to twin its span.

I believe that the Mayor at Council said that he would make them available to Councillor Halberstadt and that they were to be placed on the public agenda.

Since I have not yet seen them produced, please provide me with a copy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Arditti Sent: February 12, 2007 6:38 PM
To: Brenda Andreatta
Subject: Re: Border letters
Importance: High

Are these letters available yet?

Ed Arditti

----- Original Message -----
From: Andreatta, Brenda
To: 'Ed Arditti'
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 8:31 PM
Subject: RE: Border letters

Mr. Arditti: this matter was subject of a council question which has been referred to the General Manager of Public Works for a response. I do not have these letters.

[Andreatta, Brenda]

I am sorry but I do not understand your email. The Mayor has the letters and he said publicly he would produce them. Why is this an issue for the General Manager of Public Works

Ed Arditti


3) Pictures of Bambi and friends enjoying their last winter at Inferior Park

4) Come on down potential investors to Windsor... that is if you can get through the thousands of protestors the CAW are hoping will be in town to demonstrate the unemployment situation in Windsor.

(a)Here in Windsor we have had a "dead meat" campaign promoted by the CAW wherein if you didn't buy a Big Three car you would be "dead-meat" in town.
(b)Remember us.... we were the city that made national headlines when the local CAW approached Tim Horton's and voiced their strong disapproval of having a Toyoto RAV 4 for first prize and stated how disgusing it was to have an "import" as a prize. (I'm still trying to locate Cambridge, Japan in my atlas)
(c) Oh yea... come invest in Windsor where we have union leaders from the CAW throwing rocks and breaking windows at a bus at a picket line. The coverage we got on all national news networks was superb.
(d) and oh yea, come to Windsor where we have cab drivers that get beat up by their
own union leaders because they refuse to stop working so they at least can pay for food on their tables"
(e) Yep, this is the town where the CAW are planning on having thousands of protesters on the streets sometime in the future.

There is rumour that we have a bad union image in this town but don't believe it.. we are strong supporters of this community. The CAW workers are making $34 an hour and we are the highest paid workers in Canada and won't accept a penny less.. we will hold firm. Yep... our problems in Windsor are because of the government... not us... that is for sure!

If we can help you with your investment... just call one of our local CAW leadership spokesmen... that is... as long as they aren't applying make-up for another 15 minutes of fame for themselves before the cameras.

Bring your investments to Windsor... we want you! Oh, almost forgot... if you do come to town, bring a watering can because based on the recent IQ taken of these union spokesmen... they will need watering twice a day. "

5) (Re the Star story about the increased arena costs) Why stop at $65M?

...a creative blogmeister should have a competition to see what the final cost will be and then 18-24 months from now, you can buy the winner a Tim Horton's coffee and a donut.

Just so you know, my final tally for Eddie's Ice Palace (remember back on Caroline Postma No New Taxes Day) was $49M. My estimate........$101.1M

6) Not since the days of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover has such innuendo & guilt-by-association, observed by anonymous informants been used to convict someone of an act that isn’t a crime!

Let’s face it – Dave Batagello & this lonely blogger have seen the same neutral “facts.” The Windsor Star’s editorial position concludes differently than an independent blogger. Actually SEVERAL bloggers – and a multitude of citizens based on comments received at Windsor City Blogspot.

So what did J. Edgar do when those pesky facts didn’t line up with his view of reality? Ad hominem attack – kill the person rather than refute the argument. Generate casual observations, accept hearsay accusations regardless ulterior motive (credible or delusional sources, it matters not!) and pass it up the pipeline.

The culmination, of course, was the infamous McCarthy list of communists in the government. (Now was it 206 as it was in Wheeling, West Virginia Feb 9 1950… or was it 81 the following Monday in Washington?) Well, history knows that the list was never revealed, if there ever really was a list. The attempt to silence intellectual opponents (the List, the entertainment Black Lists, etc.) with rumor & innuendo unraveled during the Red Scare. Thank God for the Windsor Star, now looking for Bolsheviks under Windsorite’s beds!

In the words of Edward R Murrow, the famed CBS journalist widely credited turning the tide in the midst of the Red Scare, “Now is not the time for those who oppose Senator McCarthy’s methods to be silent.” I suspect if Morrow were alive today, he would be a blogger…

Quote Of The Year

Nope, it's not even a challenge for me. I'll let you figure out what a BLOG about this laughable remark should say. I'll give you a hint to get you started: East End Arena and border legal fees.

"Mayor Eddie Francis said after a closed meeting of council that the city is "not prepared to advance the loan open-ended."

"We're not in the business
cutting blank cheques," he said.

"That's not what taxpayers expect of us. It's not good corporate governance. It's certainly not good practice."

Transport Canada Has No Choice But To Act Now

I have to tell you that I have been traumatized by the Windsor Star smear story.

Oh it is bad enough being smeared by association like in the McCarthy days but I have found over the last few days that I cannot eat properly or get a good night's sleep. I am constantly looking over my shoulder, using *67 when placing phone calls, shredding all of my papers, checking my garbage when I put it out for collection. I am afraid to use the Internet for fear that my PC may have been hacked or my emails intercepted.

Who is really behind this attack on me? Who is the mastermind? It is not as if I have done or said anything new recently. What triggered this outburst at this precise time?

There must be some huge international organization that is behind the border file that is capable of tracking any individual and being able to bring up at any time the smallest of details about that person. It is totally frightening to me. It makes the CIA and CSIS look like kindergartens.

How many of you would know who I am even if I stood beside you. Very few unless you have seen my picture and even then probably not because I also wear glasses. I am a very private person and try to shun publicity. Oh sure, I have had to appear publicly but I am generally a "back-room boy" as I was in the Eddie Francis mayoral electoral campaign the first time around.

Oh sure you are laughing, thinking I have gone off the deep end. Well just read on. And read Chris Schnurr's BLOG "Comrades, bridge backers are enemies" to see what he has to say about this

Now just consider the Star article:
  • How did this become a cause celebre...because of a document "obtained by The Star." Rubbish! How did they know it existed? How did they obtain it and from whom? Was it really "given" to them and if so who did it. Did it come through the mail in a brown paper envelope or dropped off at a secret rendez-vous spot.
  • I have been "seen in recent months attending public meetings." How many, where, when, with whom? Who has "seen" me? How have I been tracked? Is there a device on my car? Is my phone bugged? Who else in Windsor is part of this giant database
  • I was "seen" with Mrs. Moroun...Oh my goodness, we had a cup of coffee together in a Lansing, Michigan restaurant about a year ago. Are their forces that good?
  • I was "spotted" at Ford Field. The stadium has a capacity of 65,000 and I was picked out of the crowd, recognized and identified
  • Clearly the Star is part of this vast empire since they knew enough to photograph me having an apple martini with Mr. Moroun for use at the "right time."
  • The Star must have had a file on me over a long period of time for them to bring up such petty information including photographs. Is this the role of a newspaper in a free society? Imagine if a Government did that to a citizen what the Star would say! Who else has had information on them gathered by the Star to be used one day whenever the Star so chooses.
  • Why was that particular photo used? Simple, only a few weeks before in the Council lobby area when the issue of the Interim Control By-law was being discussed, Dan Stamper joked with me about the "loud" colours of my ski jacket. Who said Council walls do not have ears!

What troubles me and scares me is the brilliance of this international conspiracy. They are so smart that they identified me as a "target" before the Bridge Co. Enhancement Project was even announced. Take a look at the picture the Star published. That was taken a long time ago.

Wham, bam...They were ready for me if I dared step out of line.

I get the message. I surrender. I will be good. I will go along.

Let me try and make up.

Let's concede for this BLOG that Transport Canada now has the total and complete power over the border. Bill C-3 was the weapon of choice and it has now been passed and received Royal Assent. Really it was a nothing bill but just symbolic since international crossings were always constitutionally under the Federal Government. Now though the Feds can point to a piece of paper that they can show gives them the responsibility for the border.

I want to make up now with Sam Schwartz.. I think the message is that I have to treat him as the guru that Eddie says he was. So let me quote from Sam:

  • "Schwartz, New York's former traffic engineer and author of the city's $1-billion border traffic solution, has questioned the [Ambassador] bridge's condition based on his own observations...

    Schwartz is recognized as an expert on suspension bridges based on his tenure as traffic engineer in New York, where he was forced to close both the Williamsburg Bridge and portions of the Manhattan Bridge for various periods because of safety issues...

    Given that New York's numerous suspension bridges were built between 1883 and 1909, Schwartz said he witnessed "first-hand" what happens to the massive steel structures after 80 to 90 years...

    "It's a geriatric bridge," Schwartz said. "There is no reason for alarm. It's not in a state of disaster. But it needs a full checkup."

So do you see where I am coming from now. I want to be on the side of the good guys. I want to stick it to the Ambassador Bridge people now. Seriously, I want to be able to say things as Sam did:

  • "I am very uncomfortable relying on a 76-year-old bridge," Schwartz said. "I know septuagenarian and octogenarian bridges. They are senior citizens. They need a great deal of attention."

I want, no, I demand that Transport Canada use their new-found power under Bill C-3 to force the Bridge Co. to build their enhanced bridge forthwith (that's even quicker than immediately) and then tear down the old bridge leaving only one bridge. And the Bridge Co. must use its own money too!

And I demand that it have the newest features in it too, like new lanes for "approved" shippers and truckers and commuters so they can get across faster so that there is no waiting time. There, I am even helping out NDP MP Masse who is so concerned about our regional economy.

As Sam was suggesting, we cannot have old bridges in Windsor. We deserve the newest and the best! There, Eddie gets something for his "branding" initiative!

What would the result be:

  • I am sure that someone can figure out a way to get around the EA requirements since it is an emergency situation here
  • Sandwichers, West End activists and politicos will be happy since there will be only one bridge
  • The bridge will be generally where the old bridge is located now to minimize disruption on both sides of the border, just 2 lanes wider to accommodate the faster cleared vehicles so Delray and Sandwich will be spared from destruction
  • No new plaza or roads are needed since traffic volumes have not increased as DRIC said they would so the existing roads and the bridge would have capacity for many years.
  • We can use the $300M BIF money now for "interim" road work and even create some badly-needed infrastructure work here
  • No heritage homes will be impacted and the Interim Control By-law can be lifted for the project even though it has no legal effect so Eddie can claim victory
  • DRIC can keep on wasting millions for years and the politicians can continue to respect the process until after the next federal and provincial elections
  • The project should be completed in around 30 months to allow the fight over the new crossing to be litigated forever.
And of course, taxpayers on both sides of the border won't have to pay out billions of dollars for something unnecessary.

I am sure that there are other benefits but that is enough for now.

There I turned over a new leaf. I am on their side now. I showed the Bridge Co. who is boss and that they better do now what Transport Canada and Sam tell them! Or else.

Shhhhhh. Between you and me, and let's keep it a secret, I could say that it is a dumb move to tear down the old bridge but rather it should be upgraded and used as a twinned bridge just like they did at Sarnia with the Blue Water Bridge. (The City's Dev Tyagi could help explain the rationale for that since I believe he was involved there in the twinning if the Mayor allowed him to do so).

I could say use Huron Church and the old bridge for cars and the new bridge with a new road for trucks. In this way tourism and local business are protected and trucks get to move through the border more easily without impacting local traffic.

I could also say that what Transport Canada must tell the Ambassador Bridge Co. to do is what they are already proposing to do with their Enhancement Project.

I could say all of that but I won't. I am terrified I would be followed around again by the mysterious people in the trenchcoats. I dare not take that chance!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Driving City Tax Increases

Where's Councillor Budget? Has he lost his claim to fame? How will he be praised now for all of his cost-cutting? Does it mean that he can now appear on Face-to-Face finally since there is nothing of substance that John Fairley can talk to him about?

How can he make a run for Mayor if he cannot show that he has kept tax increases down (Oh sorry, he said he was never going to do that. He must have been telling us the truth when he said that. Don't worry, I will remind him if he forgets). The Mayor has already said that the target is 3% increase (but it might be less to show how hard they worked. You know, from 7% to 3% to the final number. Applause, applause)

Does it mean that the Seniors get back their Tylenol tablets?

It looks like Admin has taken control of the Budget process again and that Councillor Budget may be out of a job without his marathon line by line budget meetings. I may have to come up with a new moniker for him. I have one but it will be for another time.

Thanks to Alan Halberstadt's BLOG on this one. He states:
  • "Councillors in Big Sister Windsor haven’t even seen the full budget document, and here we are almost in March. We are told that administration, at this point, is facing a budget $27-million higher than the 2006 base, representing a seven-percent tax increase...

    Under the timelines being recommended Monday night, the budget will not be tabled until April 9, and won’t be deliberated by Council until April 16th. In other words, by the time Council sets a rate, one third of the year’s spending will already be done...

    I would suggest Mayor Francis and administration pre-determined long ago that the increase will be three to four percent this year, and Council will be powerless to do anything about it."

Why just last year, we had the Star gushing about the process:

  • "It meant taking back control of the budget process from department heads."

And remember the line-by-line work that almost tore Council apart:

  • "It was an incredibly gruelling process," Coun. Ken Lewenza Jr. said of the months of "incredibly passionate and incredibly emotional" budget talks.

    "It was unprecedented," said Francis, who thanked councillors and city administration for the hundreds of hours put into the budget process on top of their regular duties.

    Both the spending and the chopping advocates on council voted to support the budget...

    Brister said the budget was "acceptable" to those who demanded spending restraint, while one of his fiscal polar opposites, Lewenza, described the budget document as "great news for the community" and something he can justify to his own constituency."

In fact, by this time last year we had a budget completed. In 2005, it was completed in January.

Why not this year...Oh come on, we have an arena to pay for! How can you show a big tax increase at the same time that millions of extras have to be added on to arena costs. Councillor Postma would be in serious trouble if that happened with her "no new taxes because of the arena" boast. Why when Administration talked about challenges that had to be faced, there was not a word about the arena.

By the way, an early start on the budget is now a negative because it is difficult to definitively identify all possible budget impacts that far in advance (ie from fall 2006) . Things may change as more information becomes available. So now we can wait until a quarter of the year is over so that Administration gets what it wants and Council is effectively neutered. Again.

I told you the CAO runs Windsor with Eddie as his figure-head. I certainly hope John does not choose to leave Windsor for another job or else we would be in serious trouble without a leader.

Oh and remember what I told you about last year's election budget and what would happen this year. As Councillor Lewenza said:

  • "We should be concerned since Councillor Lewenza has said about next year's budget "there's very little wiggle room in the [2006] budget and taxpayers should not expect to see the frugality of the last two budgets repeated next year. "This is probably the last go- around," he said, adding that there will be either higher tax hikes next year or a reduction in services."

Oh and there was confimation that the Tunnel dividend was going to be reduced by $2.2M

And you would not think that we were spending millions on an arena and that costs are sky-rocketing. Find the word "arena" in the Admin report or in the Star story. Instead learn that:

  • "The biggest increase will be $8.4 million for previously negotiated wage, salary and benefit increases for city staff."

For my union friends at City Hall...that means you are going to lose staff when you negotiate your next agreement so prepare for a long strike. This is confirmation of what you were expecting so be warned.


Tell me, who uses the word "engage" the most? Who has set world records for using that word the most times in a sentence when answering Councillors' qustions? I'll let you answer that when watching Council meetings

However, I wanted to let you in on the 2007 buzz word. It is "driver."

In fact, Councillor Halberstadt has already been brainwashed by Admin. He said that "Really, administration is driving the boat" when talking about the budget process.

Listen for the word in the budget talks when they talk about "cost drivers." Then listen for it in the Customer Service item when they use the word when discussing "drivers of customer satisfaction."

Then there are CSP pillars/themes, priority statements, developing a "brand," systematic and sustainable infrastructure master plan, increase accountability of exemplary customer service we already provide (that was a mouthful), Solid Foundation option, Corporate Project Management Protocol, Responsible Effective Local Government, the results were triumphant and so on.

Frankly, with their jargon, they are "driving" me crazy!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I Am A Windsor Star Now

Oh my Goodness. I got my 15 minutes of fame. A page two story in the Windsor Star with a nice picture too.

If you are a regular reader of this BLOG, you knew it was coming didn't you. It was totally predictable. It was done in the usual Star fashion too. Over a period of some weeks with several news stories building up to the big climax.

I am sure that you understand now why the front page "lonely" Blogger story was done. A smear. I am sure that you understand now why Councillor Budget said at Council that only two or three people out of 200,000 are concerned about secret meetings followed up with a big page 3 story and photo of Councillor Budget. A smear. I am sure that you understand now the reason for the big months old story about the Bridge Co. wanting money from the City for legal costs run recently. A smear.

And then the "big" story.

I am so foolish. It's not my fault. I did not know that it was part of the secret sections of the City's Procedural By-law not to say anything good about one of the largest taxpayers in Windsor. When I moved here, no one told me what I could and could not do. I was not told that I had to hate everything about the Bridge Co. and Matty Moroun personally to be accepted here.

For quite a long period of time, and as recently as a few weeks ago, I have been told that the Star, and, one person in particular, had opened up a "file" on me and was trying to find out information about me. One of the Star senior reporters used to write to me---I called him/her the Star's designated hitter--pointing out all of my so-called errors and suggesting what I should write about.

I have to admit that I found it all a joke and still do. At least I have not been physically threatened like another BLOGGER in town!

Was I that important in this City to get all of this attention? Was I that much of a concern to the powers-that-be? If you have been with me since the beginning, you know why I stopped allowing people to comment freely on here but that online comments had to be "moderated." Right at the start, some people tried to destroy this BLOG by writing what I considered to be inflammatory statements designed to discredit me and to form the basis of a potential lawsuit by those whom they also were attacking.

I was "cultivated" by those who were "praising" the work I was doing but was also being told by them that I should "lighten" up and not write so much about the City but "broaden" the choice of subjects. Interestingly, I was even offered other "inside info" as stories to enhance supposedly my reputation as I could go after others. I could go provincial if I wanted and was given info to do so. In fact, I was even told recently that if I was not so aggressive in my BLOGs, a border solution might even be possible. There was a common thread in all of this as I guessed early on. To distract and divert my attention for the clearest of reasons. I was appalled.

Clearly, I am a "trouble-maker" to many. I am not afraid to file Municipal Freedom of Information applications to get the truth. I am not afraid to set out the relationship between the Star and City Hall that the Star has not yet seen fit to tell its readers in the pages of their paper (although it was mentioned on Cogeco). I am not afraid to let people know what I think of Councillor Budget or my distinguished NDP MP, Brian Masse. Or the Mayor (Don't you find it interesting who was quoted in the Star story and who was not). I am not afraid to attack politicians who are hurting Windsor in my opinion. I am not afraid to give solutions even if unpopular. I am not afraid to tell people how they are being hurt by inexcusable actions.

So what's next?

You, dear reader, are expected to abandon me and to stop reading my BLOG. I have been discredited. You are supposed to phone or email me and tell me how awful I am. After all, that is the purpose of all of this isn't it?

But it's more---it's a signal to those who are Blogging now or who may choose to do so in the future that they are only allowed to go so far in Windsor and no more. If the powerful Construction Association won't take on City Hall over the non-tender of an arena, then what should an individual think. If a smear job can be done on me, then who will risk their reputation in this City. You can be an alternative voice but only so far.

I must admit that I debated in my mind whether I should lower myself to answer the story.

It brought back a memory though. I really do not remember exactly what influenced me to become a lawyer. Believe it or not I think it was when I was very young and watched the Army-McCarthy hearings on television. I was impressed by the Army's lawyer, Joseph Welch. From that time on, I wanted to be a lawyer

As Battagello wrote “Arditti, a lawyer who operates WindsorCityBlog and describes himself as an "interested observer of local politics," regularly posts blog entries supporting the bridge company's plans to twin the span and attacks its opponents, including Mayor Eddie Francis, MP Brian Masse and councillors Ron Jones and Dave Brister.” Hey what about the BLOGs on the arena or the budget or Canderel or the Cleary or Super Bowl or, well, any of the approximately 1,000 BLOGs I have posted since I started doing this. Or the ones on stories that the Star chose not to cover or covered incompletely. I guess my CBSA story the other day was the straw that broke the Star's back!

Now I know how some of the people felt way back then when they were smeared by association. It's McCarthyism all over again.

"Are you now or have you ever been seen with a member of the Ambassador Bridge Company?"

Isn't this what the smear job is all about? Because I write BLOGS that give my opinion what is practical to do in Windsor and without years of litigation! And about other embarrassing issues.

My reply is in the words of Attorney Welch responding to McCarthy when he attacked one of Welch's young colleagues for an association he had:
  • “You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”

That is precisely how I feel today.

So let’s take Battagello's smear story apart:

  • “A Windsor Internet blogger who promotes himself [“promotes” what a word! And exactly how do I do that? That is Battagello’s characterization of me, not mine.]

  • has worked with the Ambassador Bridge on a lawsuit filed against the city [Actually, the issue was the Rail Lands By-law matter which was a City action. The Star conveniently forgets to mention that I was the one who broke the story about the City’s by-law possibly allowing DRTP to be built because the wording of the by-law may have permitted it! The Star forgot to mention as well that I and 2 other citizens had “standing” in front of the OMB. I was working for my Group OJIBWAY NOW in the hearing!]

  • according a document obtained by The Star. [Hmmmm I wonder how the Star got a copy of that document? Did they get it from the OMB or was it provided to them. If it was provided to them, who gave it to them? Of course the Star only reported a few days ago about the Bridge Co.’s fight for costs although the story has been around for months!]

  • Ed Arditti was involved with e-mail exchanges and conference calls [Geez I was a person with standing with the OMB, lawyer for my group. Lawyers call other lawyers in a file whether they are on the same side or not. I would not be surprised to see other lawyers’ names in the affidavit as well. Are they linked to the Bridge Co. too?]

  • Arditti said he was unsure why he was listed in the Paroian affidavit. [I was called out of the blue by Battagello and asked about an affidavit I had not seen about something that took place in July, 2005. Battagello did not tell me about the other dates.]

  • Paroian received and perused a letter from Arditti "regarding privilege…"he [Arditti] may have had contact with the bridge in his bid to gain access to information pertaining to the city's dealings with Estrin [The issue was exactly whether Estrin had waived “privilege” on all of his City files so that I and anyone else could get access to see what the City was doing on the border file. We discussed the law on the subject]

  • Arditti refused Friday to say whether he has been paid by the bridge directly or indirectly [I have been attacked on that for 4 years ever since I joined STOPDRTP and I will NOT deal with it any more. Are those who support a tunnel as an example, asked if they are paid by City Hall or by those who would have an interest in building a tunnel? Nope---just if you support something that seems pro-Bridge Co. I asked Battagello who asked him to ask this question and he said “the Editors.” When I asked him who “the Editors:” were, he refused to tell me. Can you guess who “they” were?]

  • He said he has not received any money to operate his blog [Same point isn’t it? Actually Batagello asked me this question first]

  • Arditti has been seen in recent months attending public meetings [Oh my goodness….”public” meetings like being in the audience at City Council meetings or the Joint Councils meeting or at the Lansing hearings. In fact, I go out of my way now to be seen with Dan Stamper at meetings since I know it annoys people! Oh and Nora Moroun…I had a coffee with her and a number of Bridge people after a Lansing hearing. Battagello was in the same restaurant and saw us then. After all of this time, he saved that up and reported on it. Hmmm can it be said that he has been seen having a coffee with Bridge Co. Execs too since he was in the same restaurant? Heck Battagello also told us he had a four hour meeting with Mr. Moroun himself and has attended public Bridge Co. press conferences. Oh my, I think I may have to do a BLOG on that now]

  • He has also been spotted in Moroun's private box during a Detroit Lions game at Ford Field [I guess the several dozen other people from Windsor who were invited and shown the Bridge Co.’s border plans were not “spotted.” Oh and the Lions lost]

  • The Star has photographed him with Moroun at the bridge owner's private party at Windsor's art gallery a year ago [Guilty. I along with several hundred others attended a party to support the Art Gallery! I wonder how I can get a copy of that for my photo album. Oh and by the way, I knew the Star had that photo and cropped it in one of their stories!]

  • Brister, former president of the South/West Ratepayers Association, said he became "suspicious" [Brister knew that I was talking to the Bridge Co. for heaven’s sake. That subject was discussed within the group. He was afraid to talk to them and is still afraid as a Counsellor. We had a mutual foe, DRTP. STOPDRTP’s objective was to stop DRTP. If the Bridge Co. could help, I would not turn that down. I also talked with Gregg Ward of the Ferry company, Ross Clarke of Mich-Can as part of my General Counsel's role as Councillor Budget knew as well. I even talked to a rep of the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel. Oh my, I just admitted I am linked to them too]

  • Once he decided to run for council, Brister said: "That's when I left the group and cut off all ties with Ed Arditti because I felt uncomfortable with what his motives might be." [No, Councillor Budget asked me to be involved with his campaign and I declined because I was deeply involved with the campaign of Eddie Francis for Mayor. Councillor Budget ended our relationship when I told him that I did not care which two of him, Charlie Hotham or Joyce Zuk were elected as Councillors in Ward 1 since they were all anti-DRTP. He considered that not being “loyal.” I helped force Councillor Budget out of the group when he announced he was running even though he wanted to remain as Chair and he argued that there was no conflict in him doing so]

  • Masse said .. outside of here it can confuse people and damage the city's reputation." [I guess my anti-Masse BLOGs are part of hurting Windsor by telling the truth. I am not the one who has spread errors that I have pointed out and corrected in my BLOG so I think I am helping Windsor, not hurting it.]

What shall I take from all of this attention? Obviously, I am guessing correctly on something that has to do with the border. Obviously, I am disclosing plans that others want hidden. Obviously, I am hurting some people's goals on other matters too.

The Star, and the others, made a big blunder, a tactical error, a strategic mistake.

They should have continued to ignore me as they tried for a long time. I was and am a nobody in Windsor...I made the odd appearance at Council and had a media clip or two. But now they have made me a SOMEBODY. They have drawn attention to my BLOG in a way I could never have done.

I should thank the Star rather than sue them. By smearing me, they have made me credible. They have let you, dear reader, know that I am telling you what is really going on in Windsor. And they do not like that.

If they, and anyone else think I am going away, I am not. I started this BLOG because the Star ignored me and would not publish a Guest Column I had written and submitted several times. By smearing me, they are just encouraging me to move forward, to find out more. And there are lots of secrets to tell!

I am a threat to some because I am consistent and can express my point of view forcefully with a bad habit of using the "facts." I worked for Eddie Francis to help make him Mayor. I thought he of all people would develop a long-term solution on the border that we could all rally behind. What a personal disappointment to me he has become. He failed us, miserably. I have no idea what the City wants to do and neither do you.

But I have a point of view that I have expressed on was a position put forward by STOPDRTP a looooooooong time ago and presented to the media and to Council. Not exactly the same but close enough to show that I am not just jumping on someone's bandwagon.

I have a position and it supports forming a powerful alliance with a smart private entrepreneur with money who can help us out of our economic woes. It is real economic development, not pretend. It is more than just the border, a lot more. Should Windsor negotiate hard with him...absolutely as I wrote in a multi-page document to Council years ago. There is a solution that can and ought to be reached with the Bridge Co., a company that has hundreds of millions of non-taxpayer dollars to invest here before this City collapses.

Do you agree with me? I hope so. If not, that is OK too PROVIDED that you come up with something that works.

In the end, you know what, it does not matter what the Star, and others, say about me, good or bad, as long as they say it. At least, the Star spelled my name right and that will lead people to my BLOGsite!

Friday, February 23, 2007

What The Star Did Not Dare Tell You

No I do not mean about the change in the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel operation with Alinda that I disclosed yesterday.

I am sure that you read the Star story: "Advanced truck clearance expected to reduce delays." It talks about what Canadian Customs is doing to get trucks across the border more quickly (and thereby reduce the need for a new crossing, but that's another BLOG). All of a sudden at the end, the Bridge Co.'s Skip McMahon was quoted.

That seemed so bizarre, so I went out and looked at the press release that was issued. It turns out it was a "joint initiative" between the Government and the Bridge Co. to solve a problem it appears. For its part, the Bridge Co. "has established an Advanced Border Processing Center in Detroit, Michigan" to help in the process.

What is even more interesting is "CBSA will provide a resource person at the Center to provide additional assistance and guidance to carriers and importers during the initial phase of implementation." Sounds like the beginning of reverse customs to me, a baby step at a time!

Now I wonder why the Star did NOT tell its readers about the Bridge Co.'s role. Do you think the Star, who is the Title Sponsor of the Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards night, is trying to influence the vote? After all, the Bridge Co. has been nominated for an award for International Business.

Nawwwwwww, that's not the reason. You know the real reason as well as I. Who dares say anything positive about the Bridge Co. and their role in moving traffic in Windsor to help out our regional economy.

I guess it's better for some to continue to talk about non-existent truck back-ups at the Bridge to fulfill a political agenda than to talk about what is really being done to encourage economic development here.

Here's the full Press Release:
  • Joint initiative introduces new procedures to strengthen security and expedite trade at the Ambassador Bridge

    Windsor, Ontario, February 22, 2007 - Canada's New Government and the Ambassador Bridge have announced a joint initiative that will enhance security controls and expedite the processing of commercial trucks entering Canada at the Ambassador Bridge.

    Starting April 1, 2007, all commercial importations entering Canada at the Ambassador Bridge will be required to use one of the Canada Border Services Agency's (CBSA) existing line release clearance options, including CSA/FAST, PARS, FIRST, A49, Post-Audit and In-Bond.

    The initiative also builds on the existing CBSA security measures to ensure an appropriate level of border security and improved control of vehicles reporting to the CBSA commercial offsite facility. The number of vehicles required to report there will be significantly reduced, allowing for enhanced monitoring and convoying of vehicles that are referred to the offsite facility.

    "The Security and Service Enhancement Initiative demonstrates that our new government is taking action to strengthen border security and facilitate the smooth flow of legitimate trade and travel at the Ambassador Bridge," said Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day. "This Initiative will help reduce congestion and back-ups, expedite commercial processing, as well as allow the Canada Border Services Agency to concentrate more of its efforts and resources on enhancing border security. "

    In coordination with ongoing outreach activities to ensure all affected parties are aware and able to comply with the regulations, the Ambassador Bridge has established an Advanced Border Processing Center in Detroit, Michigan. The CBSA will provide a resource person at the Center to provide additional assistance and guidance to carriers and importers during the initial phase of implementation.

    "We are committed to increasing the service at the Ambassador Bridge," said Dan Stamper, President of the Ambassador Bridge. "Over 90% of the trucks entering Windsor today already clear their goods through one of these preferred clearance options. We fully support this initiative and are taking the necessary steps to ensure that the new procedures are implemented without difficulty. One such measure is the establishment of a new Advanced Border Processing Center in Detroit, Michigan, which is available to assist all carriers and importers to prepare for and comply with the new requirements."

    Only commercial importations that are not able to use line release clearance options will be exceptions and will continue to be processed at the offsite facility. This small percentage of commercial importations will be strictly monitored between the bridge and offsite.

    Last year over 1.8 million commercial trucks entered Canada at the Ambassador Bridge, making it the busiest border crossing in Canada.

Co-opting The Environmentalists On The Arena

I am tired of secrecy in this City since I have great fear that taxpayers will wind up holding the bag. Let me tell you about another incident involving what I am told was a secret meeting--or at least a non-public one--involving environmentalists and the East End Arena.

As you know I have written to the Ministry of the Environment asking that they require the City to comply with the Environmental Assessment Act and do an Environmental Assessment. There are signfificant issues that need to be dealt with.

Let me pause and give you an excerpt from an article that I just saw:
  • "Ron Duchin gave a speech to the US National Cattlemen’s Association describing how MBD works to divide and conquer activist movements. Duchin explained that activists fall into four categories: radicals, opportunists, idealists and realists, and that a three-step strategy was needed to bring them down.

    First, you isolate the radicals: those who want to change the system and promote social justice. Second, you carefully ‘cultivate’ the idealists: those who are altruistic, don’t stand to gain from their activism, and are not as extreme in their
    methods and objectives as the radicals. You do this by gently persuading them that their advocacy has negative consequences for some groups, thus transforming them into
    realists. Finally, you co-opt the realists (the pragmatic incrementalists willing to work within the system) into compromise.

    “The realists should always receive the highest priority in any strategy dealing with a public policy issue . . . If your industry can successfully bring about these relationships, the credibility of the radicals will be lost and opportunists can be counted on to share in the final policy solution."
I give you this excerpt because the City, via a Councillor, invited a number of environmental groups in the City to meet to discuss the groups' letters about negative environmental aspects of the arena's parking lot and their suggestions and recommendations to fix up the problem.

What bothers me is that if this is such a big issue that a number of groups felt the need to join together to deal with the City, then why is it not the subject of a PUBLIC meeting so everyone can be let in on the big secret! While the groups may think it shows their "power," in reality, they are being co-opted by the City who will play on their weaknesses.

Once the City "solves" the issue with their "assistance," to arrive at a "compromise" solution, then these groups have become a useful ally of the City both against other citizens and against the Ministry. How can you argue against the City when the environmentalists are onside! Aren't they the defenders of the faith!

A perfect example of how the City has done this in the past is "Windsor Area Green Party Activists Endorse The Schwartz Report."

I am not knocking the groups. They are doing their best. What I am absolutely against is the groups following the non-public route. There is no reason for them to keep it quiet. What they need to understand is that they do not need the City. The City needs them desperately.

It's time the groups let the citizens know what their issues are and support a full EA for the site. Otherwise, they will be piecemealed!

Friends Forever

AWWWWWWWWW, it's just like the movies

Canoeing buddy Meets Canoeing buddy

Canoeing buddy Loses Canoeing buddy

Canoeing buddy gets Canoeing buddy back as friend helps out.

As I told you before, "Cherchez Le Mayor." The two canoeing buddies had a four decades long friendship that was on the verge of being torn apart.

The Columnist Canoeing buddy viciously attacked his Councillor Canoeing buddy all to help out the Third Party Mayor. Flipflopping on the Barn and arena, calling him out on his possible conflict of interest and then accusing him of waving the "White flag" of surrender. Very harsh talk.

Fortunately, a canoeing friend of theirs for over 25 years wrote a Letter to the Editor to the Star---frankly, I would have called them in private not gone public, but I'm quibbling--and begged them to combine their total brain power for the good of mankind....errrr Windsor.

Frankly, and no disrespect to Fred, whom I knew a long time ago before either of them, if he wants them to use their brains to follow his solution for the border, I would prefer that they keep on feuding!

Hmmmm I wonder, does portaging and carrying a canoe on your head have this effect on people?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Bit Of This, A Bit Of That

Just six bits that I thought you might find of interest


$300 Million BIF money is sitting in some account somewhere to fix the road to the Ambassador Bridge and to create infrastructure jobs for Windsor contractors and workers while Eddie and Council dither. In other parts of Canada, the money is actually spent. Thanks to a reader for pointing this out to me. Here is a story
  • Highway construction underway to U.S. border
    By: Steven Macleod

    SURREY, B.C. -- Work has begun to complete the widening of the Hwy. 15 corridor, from Surrey, B.C. to the U.S. border, in an effort to ease congestion and travel time.

    Having a continuous four-lane highway from the Trans-Canada Highway to the Pacific Highway border crossing is expected to improve access for truckers to and from the U.S.

    "This $15.4-million project is the latest component of the joint federal-provincial program to improve the movement of goods and people to and from the Lower Mainland's border crossings," said Transport Minister Kevin Falcon. "We are committed to working with the federal government to open up our transportation gateways and improve the movement of goods and people."

    The Government of Canada and the Government of British Columbia are cost-sharing this latest project, with most of the work being funded through the Border Infrastructure Fund. Supplemental funding is provided through the federal-provincial Strategic Highway Infrastructure Program border crossing component.

    "Improved links will also reduce freight costs, and enhance the economies of Canada, British Columbia and the Greater Vancouver region," said Lawrence Cannon, federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

    This project will see the widening of Hwy. 15 in Surrey from 32nd Avenue to the Roger Pierlet Overhead, and from 68A Avenue to 92nd Avenue. Work includes grade construction, soil preparation, asphalt removal, paving and electrical installations."

Whew, if you think I am hard on the Mayor and Council, check out Roseann's recent BLOGS. They will make your hair curl!


Hmmmm, did Eddie cancel the public information session when he found out about the Alinda deal? My sources tell me that it was the Mayor's office that put the order out to cancel the open house, supposedly so that the "new" Tunnel Commission members could be on board. Having said that - when is the open house rescheduled. Don't the taxpayers (both individuals and businesses) living in the area deserve an opportunity to see the plans (after all, Councillor Budget and the Mayor have been lauding the new openess at City Hall).


I wonder if John Millson applied for the Economic Development job. If he did, should he have been hired?

Interesting Henderson column about John Millson who went out to Alberta knocking on doors to promote work for our area and his job creation out of Fort McMurray. Henderson discussed
  • "a 100-job venture, in co-operation with a Calgary-based firm, to make composite utility poles in an existing plant.

    The Tilbury plant, which is to be in full production by June, is the first big payoff from Millson's Alberta door-knocking as president and point man of OilSands Development, a company looking for joint business opportunities involving Alberta, Ontario and Quebec.

    Millson, who keeps reinventing a career that has seen him peddle flowers, the City of Windsor, restaurant furniture and racehorses, said it clicked in August, after an Alberta cabinet minister spoke in Oshawa about potential joint ventures, that he needed to be out west selling our area."
Contrast his style with what our new Economic Development Czar is doing
  • "And while today is his first on the job, Fischer has already prepared a first draft of a report he'll deliver to the economic development commission Saturday, setting out a 120-day action plan and outlining his plans to restructure the office with a stronger focus on business attraction and retention."

Councillor Gignac's purchase of Lottery tickets certainly helped didn't it. I wonder if she won anything and donated it back.


I am a member of this group set up by DRIC for the border crossing matter.

At our recent meeting, there was a discussion of the air quality monitoring during the last quarter of 2006. It is clear that the likelihood of a tunnel is just about ZERO. The results show that generally pollution from trucks is not a significant risk along the DRIC route with most readings in the "acceptable" range. Generally, any high readings are due to non-Windsor causes such as trans-border pollution.

As for Windsor's "interim control by-law" and heritage designation stopping anything border-related, it was pointed out that the Province and Feds are "senior" to the municipality.

One strange thing I thought about during the DRIC meeting was the emphasis on the Ambassador Bridge's program and the reference to the website to find out information about it. It was admitted that a discussion about that subject was a "distraction" to what we were discussing at our meeting but nevertheless it was talked about as part of our agenda.

This fixation of Government people about the Bridge Co. is really interesting to me. I am sure that you can guess as well as I can why that discussion took place.

BLOGEXCLUSIVE: The Tunnel Secret Is Out

Who needs Councillor Budget anyway to find out the big news about the Detroit Windsor Tunnel. Chances are that he probably does not know anything about it anyway. He's only a City Councillor.

You need to come to this BLOGsite if you want inside info about City Hall. Too bad Councillor Budget never comes here so he too could be in the know.

As I have been telling you over the past few weeks there has been a lot of whispering going on about the big changes at the Tunnel.

Through digging, with the help of a variety of overseas sources, I was able to discover that back in May, 2006, it looks like there was some kind of refinancing/restructuring going on in the Macquarie Group since the Bank acted as "Adviser on the acquisition and refinancing of the second busiest US-Canada border crossing." There was a US$70M deal involving the Macquarie Infrastructure Group (MIG).

My inside moles tell me that there were top-secret meetings over the last year involving the Tunnel with the Mayor being involved in many of them. They took place in several different capitals. As you will remember, Eddie was desperate to do a deal with Detroit. The Joint Councils meeting about a year ago was his attempt to do a sales pitch on Detroit.

He needed a deal so that he could lease out the Tunnel on a long-term basis or securitize toll revenues so that he could make a ton of money as his fellow Mayor did in Chicago. Eddie claimed that the Tunnel was worth $2-300M. Imagine if he brought in that kind of cash in to pay down the debt or fix up sewers or build roads or even do a border crossing bridge deal. What a hero he would be. What a great section it would make on his CV for his new career as an infrastructure guru either as a politician or as a 7 figure salaried lawyer or deal-maker in Toronto or New York.

Unfortunately Eddie's management skills were such that he knows now that, during his watch, the Tunnel is worth only a tiny fraction of that amount as traffic volumes plummetted downwards drastically. He has a unique security risk that needs fixing too that he has to pay for.

Then the big announcement!

Well, actually, there has not been one yet. Fortunately, I read an Alabama newspaper as part of my morning news coverage to find out interesting stories for you (Yes, I have eclectic tastes!) There it was:
  • "Toll to grow on Foley Beach Express
    February 20, 2007By RYAN DEZEMBERStaff Reporter

    Alinda Roads LLC, a private Michigan firm that recently acquired the Foley Beach Express toll bridge, announced Monday that as of March 1, it is raising the fee to cross the span from $1 to $1.50 for Orange Beach residents and from $2 to $3 for others.

    Alinda Roads, which operates the Detroit Windsor Tunnel, also owns Alabama's three other private toll bridges...

    Alinda Roads is owned by the Alinda Infrastructure Fund. The multibillion-dollar fund invests in North American and European infrastructure -- roads, power, gas distribution and ports -- and is managed by Alinda Capital Partners, a company run primarily by former Citigroup bankers."
Alinda Roads' CEO is Gordon Jarvis. You may know him as president and chief executive officer of the Detroit & Canada Tunnel Corp (DCTC).

Now I have several very simple questions to pose. What did our Mayor know about this deal, when did he find out about it and why didn't he tell us about it? What is the impact on the Tunnel since it seems that Macquarie has sold out its interest to Alinda. What is the relationship between Alinda and Windsor? Did the City or WTC consent to the change in the Tunnel operator or in the ownership change? Is Alinda happy about Tunnel volumes decreasing so much in so short a period of time so that they were able to pay less for the Tunnel operating agreement?

The Mayor/Chair of the Windsor Tunnel Commission needs to come clean and tell us what is going on. After all, this is a prize asset of the City of Windsor! I also would like to know what the members of the Commission knew and when! What about Councillors?

Frankly, why do I have to read about a deal that impacts Windsor so significantly in an Alabama media outlet and not the Windsor Star? Did the Star know about this given its close connection to the Mayor and Councillor Budget? If it did and did not report it, should we take the Star seriously as a newspaper any more?

With Bill C-3 passing, the other interesting question to ask is what role the Federal Government played in this. Did they consent to the deal and if so on what basis? Did they even know about it?

This is getting disgusting. Councillor Budget whispers to Star columnists about problems and gives out tidbits at Council meetings. Council's legal role under the Municipal Act is to "represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the municipality." It is time that Councillors started to act this way and stopped being so secretive and selective in information distribution.

I and my one or two other friends out of 200,000 citizens are getting more and more annoyed. And when we get annoyed, watch out.