Thursday, November 10, 2005

Wise Beyond His Years

Did Kwame's relatively young age help him in his stunning victory over Freman Hendrix and if so, should that give our Mayor some comfort?

I read this paragrpah in a Free Press story that I found interesting:
"The mayor's youth -- he became Detroit's youngest elected mayor at 31 -- also seemed to be a factor in his surge. Supporters and voters said his mistakes were the result of inexperience and were not worth turning Kilpatrick out."

Should Eddie also be heartened by the fact that the News said "Kilpatrick was scoring well with voters under 40, among whom he held a 2-1 lead."

Interestingly, similar factors may be at play in Windsor. I heard about some polling done that said that Eddie was viewed as having accomplished little but that in the breakdown between men and women, men were more prepared to give him a second chance.

Respecting the young vote, was the Devonshire Town Hall meeting nothing more than an attempt to portray himself as being in touch with the youth of the city. Remember the comment of his when talking to kids at the mall: "I don't look that old, do I?"

However, Eddie may have a problem. He may not be able to play the "inexperience" card. He said about himself in his campaign kickoff speech "I have what it takes. I have the experience, I am a lawyer, a recognized entrepreneur, a proven community leader who has consistently been your voice." Once one is "Young Entrepreneur of the Year" a twice-elected councillor and now mayor, it is difficult to ask forgiveness for inexpereince as Kwame may have done. What helped Eddie overcome the attacks on his age during the last election may now hurt him at re-election time.

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