You would have to remember the old Perry Como TV show to understand the Title of this BLOG...showing my age I guess. Remember the final line----"Dear Perry . . . would you be so kind, to fill a request, and sing the song I like best?"
Now doesn't that sound like Brian Masse, the Windsor West MP? Another letter from Brian, this time in support of the Ojibway alternative suggested by the Bi-national, hoping that someone will fill his request.
Now doesn't that sound like Brian Masse, the Windsor West MP? Another letter from Brian, this time in support of the Ojibway alternative suggested by the Bi-national, hoping that someone will fill his request.
I haven’t seen his letter to the Federal and Provincial leaders yet but it will be interesting to see how he suggests going there.
I doubt if he will suggest going through the Ojibway Nature Reserve. He is too smart for that, especially with an election coming up. By default then, he must be supporting the routing suggested by the Bi-national. OR has he found a new way to get to the crossing?
If he is in favour of that routing, guess what, he supports the Ambassador Bridge’s proposed route! What an irony that would be.
Brian should know that no one would ever dream of building a “diagonal” bridge from the Brighton Beach area to the Ambassador Bridge’s owned plaza, the location the US side favours, (and he must know about the Environmental Justice issue on the other side too).
He is a good politician however. The only thing I can figure is that he gets the best of both worlds: he supports Ojibway and then is positioning himself to be the one who “forces” the Bridge Co. to make huge concessions when they ultimately get their way.
I think Eddie and Council need to learn a few lessons in political strategy from him. (I wonder if Brian read what Deep Throat said in my Thursday BLOG before he sent out his Friday letter.)
PS The BIG question is whether the proposed month-end rally will still go on if Brian is stuck in Ottawa for the “non-confidence” vote. I heard that Eddie wants it to go forward too. What the rally will be about is a big mystery since the purpose of it now makes no sense to me.
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