Tuesday, November 22, 2005

No Parking

It may be difficult to find a parking spot in Windsor these days. The parking garage behind the Hilton has just gone into receivership as has Mady's Garage on Wyandotte previously.

What would the two hotels (and other users) do if the garage is closed down? Where would their patrons park? Would there be enough space, for example, in the Canderel parking garage to allow hotel guests, Chrysler employees, other Canderel tenants and Keg customers all to have spaces? At the least, the extra traffic would help out the City's coffers. I guess with all of the unused land around the Western Super Anchor site, spaces could be found.

A Reader wrote to me offline about what was going on. Here are some excerpts:
  • "I just read the Windsor Star and the article about Docherty’s garage going into receivership as well.

    You would think the idiots at ______________ [fill in the blank as you wish (LOL)] would see some connection between the only 2 private garages going under and a lack of business in downtown. Are they that clueless ... My God!! Bells should be going off!!!"

Who would buy the garages? A question that may have to be addressed is that if there are no buyers from the Receivers of the two garages will the City be forced into buying them if it means keeping them around until the good times eventually come back downtown, if they ever do. At least the price will be cheap since there cannot be many buyers for parking garages that cannot pay their bills!

I wonder how much parking there will be at the new Casino Complex. Isn't that where the new downtown is moving anyway, one step at a time?

Where's the Bacon Man? His ad ideas for the garages and parking meters are starting to look better and better!

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