Friday, November 11, 2005

Laughing Themselves Silly

Two people must be in a very good mood today after reading the Windsor Star major front page stories. It just cannnot get any better than this for them both.

The first one has to be the head of the Economic Development office in London, Ontario (or really the head of any such office in SW Ontario or SE Michigan) competing against Windsor for new jobs and plant locations.

Can you believe it, Customs union workers at the bridge and tunnel backing up traffic for miles and for hours. Then the CAW is bringing in leaders from across Ontario to debate an emergency no-concessions resolution and a seven-point action plan to fight concessions at parts companies.

Ahhh, the remarks of the CAW Union heads are enough to make anyone smile when jobs are the prize for your Community: "We have to preserve the sanctity of the collective agreement," said Renaud." "We're not going backwards," said Lewenza."

The other person who is chuckling has to be the head of the Bridge Co. He can legitimately say today "It's the Customs, stupid!" In other words, we have positive proof that they were right when they said that all we need are booths open to prevent backups at the border.

The Star reported that only four lanes, less than half the usual nine, were open at the Tunnel during the afternoon rush hour, and only 12 lanes, compared to the usual 17 to 19, were open at the Bridge. Once the booths were opened and staffed properly, the backups eventually disappeared.

Hmmmmm I wonder what 200 booths would do. Perhaps with traffic declining or not increasing so dramatically as has been projected, we may not need a new border crossing for years to come.

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