Tuesday, November 29, 2005

DRIC, Science Centre, Keg And Council

Wow the performance was fantastic last night. Everyone played exactly the role one expected of them. From the tough questioning Mayor/lawyer to the "I wish I could vote for your proposal but I cannot" Budgeteers to the "quality of life" spenders to the "why don't you listen to us" Councillors.

Some thoughts on what I saw.

Like it or not and regadless where some Councillors wanted part of the road to go, it is still headed to the Ambassador Bridge ultimately. It was clear that the Ambassador Gateway plaza is the plaza of choice on the US side. It was also confirmed that the Bridge cost would grow significantly if it were to be made "diagonal" from, say Prospect.

Since the crossing is not going to destroy Sandwich, will the rally by the Ward 2 Councillors be called off or does Brian Masse still need it so he can declare he actually did something on the border!

I don't usually like how Dave Wake of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation answers border questions but he was good last night. He shot Councillor Valentinis down in flames when he demonstrated how DRIC listened to the Community by supporting the Ojibway crossing, rejecting DRTP, rejecting the Twinned Bridge, rejecting the use of E C Row and preserving Ojibway nature Reserve.

I thought Councillor Valentinis was on thin ice also talking about homes backing on to the suggested corridor. If that is a problem, one cannot blame DRIC but must direct the attention on the Windsor Councillors who allowed residences to be built on the corridor to the Ambassador Bridge for the last 75 years!

I thought one comment deserved an answer---why did DRIC listen to all of the other communities on both sides of the border and not Windsor. The answer is very simple. The other cities and towns focused on the problem: the long-term solution. In Windsor, our Mayor and Council forgot why they were elected and rallied for a billion dollar short-term dream that was dead the moment Schwartz revealed it. Our Council is to blame NOT DRIC if Windsor is short-changed. It is a bit late in the day to complain and to try to divert attention away from Council's mistakes and poor strategy.

It again demonstrates how badly the Mayor and Council mismanaged the broder file---from having the PM, Premier and US Ambassador onside and having a seat at the table to being ignored by the bureaucrats!

Had Council gathered the active and vocal support of its citizens as was done in the Downriver and County communities instead of acting in secret, then perhaps someone might have listened to us.

On the vote to give a "grant" to the Science Centre or not, Ward 1 is lucky to have a choice in the next election between Santa Claus and Scrooge!

I wonder if Councillor Zuk's motion after the Border discussion is "legal" or not? It seems to be in violation of the Procedural By-law that the Mayor likes to enforce since the rules did not seem to be followed. I guess it has to be "ratified" which would give residents a chance to speak. That will NEVER happen.

We learned that the Tunnel Plaza Master Planning project under Phase 1 of the Border Agreement was "suspended" in early 2005 and changes to the roadway are unlikely before 2007. OOOOOOOps, don't say it too loudly but the Bridge Co.'s Tunnel deal would have solved many of the road problems without spending millions. Is that why the project is still "suspended?"

PS....re the Keg and Canderel and parking....Do you think the Keg will still go into Canderel if Chrysler may move to Toronto? Will that garage be the third one to go broke?

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