Monday, November 28, 2005

What A Nerve!

No wonder the big border rally has been moved up from the spring, as the two Ward 2 Councillors originally proposed, until some time soon. We may have a federal election and it looks like Brian Masse may need all of the help that he can get.

Did you read his quote in the Star today? His top priority will be the border. "We have an obligation to look for options with minimal impact."

Well Brian, the NDP leader, Mr. Layton, did not rank the border very highly when he laid out his conditions for supporting the Liberal minority government a few months ago. In fact, he never mentioned it at all.

Your Party held the balance of power in Government and what did you accomplish for this area, especially on the border issue? Your power is so minimal that one of the alternatives being seriously considered is destroying Sandwich!

You cannot hide behind the fact that your Party was not in power. You had the chance to do something for the region and failed.

Tell me again why you should be re-elected!

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