Wednesday, November 16, 2005

OMERS write-down required?

I got to thinking, what would an appraiser say today if asked to value DRTP as an asset of OMERS or its subsidiary? Is it worth the same after as before the announcement by the four governments of the border finalists?

Presumably the appraiser would have to take into account the decision of the Bi-national Partnership who stated:

  • "The capacity provided by the Detroit River Tunnel Partnership’s two-lane truckway proposal was determined to be inadequate to serve the region’s long-term needs.

    It was also determined that a six-lane freeway following the Canada Southern (CASO) Rail corridor in Canada to a new river crossing, would have caused major community impacts in significant urban areas on the Canadian side of the border."

I would think also that the opposition of the Mayor of Detroit, who was just re-elected, might mean that DRTP would not be able to purchase some land required by them so that trucks could connect to I-75.

So if the project will not go forward, should we expect another significant OMERS write-down?

Even if the asset is written down or even written off, it will not matter to OMERS. They'll just ask every municipality in Ontario and every contributor to increase their payment to cover the deficiency.

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