Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Two Thumbs Down

I can truly say that the performance last night at City Hall was a disgrace. And I use the word “performance” as in theatrical deliberately because it certainly was not a proper Council meeting.

I cannot think of a meeting that was so poorly run and so confusing to an electorate. The sight of a Mayor running down to a Councillor’s seat to introduce a Motion, saying at the same time that he was going to show the Procedural By-law in action was farcical. I lost track but was he trying to introduce a motion to defer after a motion to defer had already been lost? I am not really sure since I turned off the TV in disgust.

Does anyone really know what happened with the Benson school issue after the referrals and deferrals? There seemed to be an issue with what Administration suggested since it did not seem to make sense? If so, why was it signed off and put on the Agenda in the first place? Isn’t the Mayor part of the agenda setting review group?

And then the pay equity debate. For heaven’s sake, it was only whether they should receive an information item and not re-opening the whole issue. Why didn’t someone raise a Motion for Reconsideration if they were so concerned about what they had unanimously agreed to a year before. Why were they ranting and raving as if they did not have proper advice before and if they did not have it, someone’s head should roll since it will cost the City millions! I loved it when, if anything got too touchy, the Mayor told the Councillor to be quiet since it was “legal.”
Councillor Valentinis, David Estrin came to Council a number of times so do not be too harsh about Mr. King being around to answer a few questions.

And is there some fund where contingency matters can be dealt with and if so, how much is in there? Has that money been ear-marked for something already that we just do not know about yet?

It is interesting also to watch the inter-personal dynamics at Council. They are getting worse weekly

When will Councillor Halberstadt finally blow up with Eddie trying to silence him? It is now twice in the last few weeks that things got testy between them when Alan dared question what the Mayor wanted to do.

And poor old Ken Junior. Will Eddie ever let him speak and say what he wants to say?

Joyce had better learn also to stop saying in interviews that Council works when everyone knows now the obvious---it does not. [A word of warning to Councillors---Be careful being inteviewed by Joe. He is asking questions now that Councillors may not want to answer.] I was half hoping Joyce would have used her famous Hurst Chair remark as Council was getting totally out of control.

I can hardly wait for next Monday. NOT!

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