Sunday, October 16, 2005

You gotta dance with the one that brung ya!

Dave Brister polled 10513 votes at the last municipal election, more votes than any other Councillor in the City. How did such a relative nobody politically get so many votes so quickly?

It is hardly a surprise to say that Ward One residents went out and voted for the man who was the public face of a very dedicated group of people called STOPDRTP. And there is no doubt that Dave deserved credit for the efforts that he made both in front with the media, but more importantly, behind the scenes doing everything from counting the number of homes impacted by DRTP, to putting up signs to arranging for letters to be sent to politicians.

As General Counsel of STOPDRTP, Dave and I spoke every morning (usually as he was in the take-out lane ordering breakfast) to discuss our gameplan for the day. Many times, we talked throughout the day if circumstances required it. I know the sacrifices that Dave and his family suffered through a very difficult time in the City's history.

As things sometime happen in Life, Dave and I had a falling out and we have not talked since he announced he was running for office several years ago. I tell you all of this because I am so angry that my Ward One Councillor seems to have such a small role to play in the border issue.

Oh he can get another quote in Gord Henderson's column as he "fumes" about Paul Martin's father and what he would think (Shades of Mackenzie King trying to talk to his mother in a seance). But where was he on Thursday night as the Transport Canada Consultant wanted to put Montreal-to-Tijuana trucks on E C Row to help us? What was his reaction? Why wasn't he condemning in the strongest possible terms something that he bitterly opposed in his previous position?

My understanding is that he was not at the private session set up for the City and County politicians. His Ward-mate, Joyce Zuk was there. Even Tom Wilson was there. I guess he left it to the Mayor whom he praised so profusely in another Henderson column recently to do all of his thinking.

It seems as if Dave really does not like the border and would rather play Mr. Budget. In a City newsletter he said. "Debt reduction, which was a cornerstone of my election campaign." And not a word about the border.

Was Dave "spooked" on election night when one of the TV commentators talked about a "potential conflict of interest" as Councillor given his role as Chair of STOPDRTP. How else to explain when Councillor Brister reads off his "conflict of interest" legal script when the border issue comes up. If this was an issue, then why didn't he raise it during the election campaign? If it is not an issue, why raise it? I know, I know "abundance of caution" but I still get mad.

I am shocked and disappointed in his failure to force this Council to hold a "public" meeting on the border when, as STOPDRTP Chair, he accused the previous Council of betrayal after their secret session that supposedly endorsed DRTP North. Why the change in attitude?

I was surprised by his seeming reversal of his previous, in camera Schwartz Report support when he voted against the Ambassador Bridge proposal to add new Customs booths into Canada, a concept Schwartz encouraged.

I am disturbed that he is not out there front and centre keeping the community up-to-date on what is really going on with the border with all of these weird happenings through Town Hall meetings as an example or through a newsletter. We need some understanding but our Councillor is not telling us anything.

I wonder why Dave remained part of a process that wanted to spend a billion dollars for a short-term dream that made no sense when he was elected to solve the long-term problem. He was part of a group that had put forth a well thought-out plan for the long-term to Council when he was with STOPDRTP. Dave can worry over pennies but was spending millions on a problem that was solved by the Bridge Company fiscally responsible?

It is time for the "sharp pencil" to get the lead out. If not, Dave better watch out when Charlie or Drew ask to cut in!

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