Friday, October 14, 2005

Thursday Night Was Painful

I was there at the Federal Government stakeholders session at 7 PM but they would not let me in. Come back at the 8:30 media session they said. I had a couple of hours to kill so I thought I would take up Councillor Valentinis' suggestion and take a look at the new Income and Security Building.

Some idiot left part of the interlocking sidewalk undone and I took a fall, a very bad one.

My daughter bless her soul is up early typing this for me since I cannot use my hands without a lot of pain.

My wife, who probably thinks I am nuts after I came home hurt and bloodied, listened to me and went down to the Ramada with our good friend, Alice, to listen to the presentation to let me know what was said. In fact, someone took pity on me and gave her a copy of the presentation for me.

I'll have alot to say about what happened on Monday. The one funny thing that has eased the pain is the front page of today's Star. This is like the introduction of the JMC Report a few years ago. And you know what? Eddie Francis has morphed into Mike Hurst.

Three years of effort down the toilet!

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