Thursday, October 27, 2005

Losing My Cool

I admit it. I sometimes get very angry. It usually happens when a person who should know better does or says something really foolish.

I try to do my research before I write a Blog to be as correct as I can be. The border debate is important to me as you can gather. Spreading misinformation at a time like this is very dangerous and can impact our community negatively. If we are to reach a consensus, then we all need to have the same, accurate information upon which to base a decision.

So being furious was my reaction last night when listening to Percy's Panel on CBC TV News at 6 PM. Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Joyce Zuk were being interviewed about Council's decision to meet with Detroit Council. I could not believe the incorrect information being spouted by Councillor Gignac. I assumed that she had just not done her homework.

I had heard that Council had decided in camera before the Council session on Monday NOT to seek the meeting, with the Mayor supporting that point of view. Then at public session, there was Councillor Gignac asking for one. It reminded me of her flipflopping and that of Councillor Brister, who sits beside her at the Council table, when they opposed the Bridge Co.'s plans in public to build the customs booths into Canada when they had endorsed it in secret as part of the Schwartz Report.

I must admit that I did not think that it was a very smart move on her part to make her colleagues look bad. But if one has ambitions to run for Mayor, one does have to separate oneself from the pack. Taking a public "lead" position on the trivial items concerning the border is one way for her to distinguish herself I guess.

In passing, I noted that the Mayor did not "scold" her for breaking ranks. He must have enjoyed watching her flipflopping. It means one less possible opponent next November.

I think that a meeting with Detroit Council makes great sense, but at the right time. I had argued for one months ago but was ignored by our Council. At least Councillor Zuk recognized the political reality that there is an election over there going on. Perhaps Councillor Gignac missed that bit of information as well.

I remember that I had talked to the Mayor of River Rouge (he was the Mayor that actually wanted a bridge through his community) and had arranged for him to meet our Mayor and Council. However, I was told by Norma Coleman, the Mayor's Chief of Staff and wife of the the Star's Editorial Page Editor, to effectively mind my own business.

Anyway, the long and short of it is that I wrote the following email to Councillor Gignac:
  • Councillor,

    RE: It would be nice if you got your facts right

    I am shocked that you would appear on CBC TV news and not have the faintest idea what you are talking about respecting the Ambassador Bridge Co. plan.

    Spreading misinformation around the Community is hardly the way for a Councillor to promote a proper dialogue on this most important subject!

    I would suggest that you and your colleagues might want to meet with the Bridge Co. first before you go across the river to understand their plan so that Detroit Councillors will not laugh you out of their Council chambers. They at least have an understanding of what is going on.

    The first thing you should learn is who will actually "own" the US side of the Tunnel.

    $700 million...hardly!

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