Thursday, October 6, 2005

Windsor's Politicos React to Granholm

The "political" reaction to the Granholm announcement by Windsor leaders would be laughable if it were not so sad. It is making me pull out the few hairs I have left on the top of my head in frustration!

First CKLW said that "The latest border announcement has Windsor West M-P Brian Masse fuming... Masse wants to know why there was no Canadian representation during the announcement."

Masse should know. He is on a group that visited the US on this matter. He is co-chairman of a recently formed parliamentary border committee that went to Washington "to promote border issues." He is a member of the party that supposedly holds the balance of power in the Government. What has he or his Party accomplished realistically on the border?

Then the Windsor Star editorial quoted a letter that the Mayor sent to the flipflopping Premier with only a copy to the dithering PM. "If the Governor has used her rightful authority to remove alternatives ahead of the final analysis on the basis of community needs and their entitlement to healthy and quality living, then you should do the same by removing all of the alternatives that this community has opposed on similar grounds for the same reasons."

What a nerve! The guy who rallied Windsor for 9 months on a short-term solution that made no sense instead of doing what he was elected to do is now complaining. The guy who made the decision to "snub" the Senior Levels is now asking for their help. The guy who knew that the Feds "respected" the Bi-national process, that the Premier supported a process in which a new bridge would not be built until 2013 and did little to object. The guy who forgot that citizens cause solutions, as happened in Windsor in the past, hopefully can learn from what citizens accomplished Downriver and will now end the Council border secrecy.

And better late than never, I wonder if Sandra Pupatello’s list of border crossings today will be similar to the Governor’s. If not, what happens then?

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