Thursday, October 27, 2005

"Deep Throat"

Just like Woodward and Bernstein, I have my own "Deep Throat." I do not obtain information directly from him/her but am guided to the solution one step at a time.

I didn’t get it…why did the Bridge Co. propose that the Detroit Wayne County Port Authority get involved with the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel, "Big Box & Main Street" retail operations and a major manufacturing and distribution center. What the heck did that have to do with ships?

"You must understand, Grasshopper," my source said, "The Tunnel was not the story as the Windsor Star reported but rather the story is about the revitalization of our regional economies and industrial diversification with the Port Authority as the driving force."

I still did not understand. In my source’s mysterious way, I thought he said ogle the Big Apple. I was ready to fly to NYC. Instead he had said to go to Google and do a search. And what a revelation it was. I checked out their Port Authority website and was shocked to learn it covered 2 states, just like the separate Windsor and Detroit regions. Clearly I was on to something big potentially for Windsorites. Here is how they described themselves.

"The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is committed to supporting the economic growth of the New York-New Jersey region, in any way we can. Through our regional air cargo and seaport networks and our long term economic development initiatives, we help drive this region's global competitiveness, while distinct business opportunities offered through our facilities and services help local business flourish. With the signing of every contract, we hope to further the success of our contractors, vendors - and the region as a whole."

My goodness…all of the buzz words I had heard a few weeks before watching the globalization guru on Cable TV: economic growth, region's global competitiveness, local business, success of the region as a whole. The breadth of their activities was amazing, and not just marine oriented either. Why, they even had their own Police force numbering over 1600 people.

The Port Authority is involved in everything:

  • Holland Tunnel
  • constructed the critical interstate crossings including the George Washington Bridge, Outerbridge Crossing, the Goethals and Bayonne bridges, Lincoln Tunnel
  • leased and linked three airports Newark, LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy International into a regional aviation network.
  • built the Port Authority Bus Terminal and added a second deck to the George Washington Bridge.
  • rebuilt many Brooklyn piers and developed the world's first containerports at Port Newark and the Elizabeth-Port Authority Marine Terminal.
  • acquired the Hudson and Manhattan Railroad and began operating it as the PATH rail transit system.
  • constructed of The World Trade Center, which brought together private firms and government agencies engaged in international business.
  • began a bistate program of industrial redevelopment, aimed at helping the region retain manufacturing firms and jobs.

I was beginning to see the light. There were massive economic redevelopment opportunities available both for Detroit and Windsor if only we could get past the "border" and if the Star reported the story so people here could be informed, understand and demand that action be taken.

My source had also said something about the Wall Street Journal. Quickly, I searched its pages and found a story about Northern New Jersey. The region's median income was $73,973, the highest of any state, home prices have increased, about double the national average, and the area's shopping malls are busy. It described "the solid if dull warehouse sector [as the] driver of the area's commercial real estate… Its central location on the eastern seaboard along with its excellent highway, air, rail and seaport access make it a hub of choice." Remarkably, our Development Commission said something similar about Windsor being a leading transportation hub and that we can reach 125 million people within one day’s drive. It also talked about the low cost of industrial real estate.

Can you believe it! New Jersey! Becoming an economic powerhouse. Why couldn’t that happen to Windsor I thought. We can do all of what New Jersey did and more with our business leaders and talented workforce.

Finally my source said cranes. I assumed he meant building derricks or ones that flew. Instead he meant Crains Detroit! There I read "Detroit development projects like an expanded Cobo Center or a bigger Motown museum could get the one thing they need to see the light of day — money. Amendments to the Port Authority Act passed by the state House two weeks ago aim to extend the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority’s bonding authority well beyond marine applications… Port authorities in New York City and the Minnesota cities of St. Paul and Duluth also have used their bonding authority to spur regional economic development."

It all came together. The Bridge Co. figured out how to make the Port work for the economic benefit of the Region (and for their pocket-book too no doubt). We could see more jobs, higher income, improved real estate prices, a bustling retail sector and so on. No wonder the Tunnel was not the story. No wonder Gord Henderson admitted: "I’m in awe of Moroun and his hired hands. These folks are the masters. They’re always two or three cunning moves ahead of the other players…"

One last question I demanded. "Does Mayor Eddie have the guts to call the Bridge Co. to try and partner with them?" Upon hearing that, my source just smiled and departed.

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