Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Is Gridlock Sam's Windsor office closing?

Well at least the Mayor had the sense not to cry "Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz" again after the Michigan governor destroyed his short-term billion dollar dream.

He was quoted in the Star with his familiar line "No matter what remains on the table we're going to oppose vigorously anything that goes through the city and anything that puts and keeps trucks on city streets or puts them through neighbourhoods."

In other words, instead of having an active role at the table, the City of Windsor, due to the Mayor's and Council's focus on the short-term, is back as observers and reactors. So much for having a seat at the table. So much for "building relationships" over the last 2 years.

As for Sandra Pupatello, your Government and the Canadian govenment blew it. "It likely would be co-operative if we had done it together." Thank you for stating the obvious.

I see that Ontario will be releasing its own list of favoured crossings. It better be the same list as the Governor's, Sandra. I don't want you to be embarrassed a second time.

According to the Mayor, Ganholm's "ready to act and that she's ready to move." Perhaps he might make a phone call soon to someone who has influence over her since her focus is on southeast Michigan.

But the big question in my mind is what happens to Gridlock Sam's office in Windsor. Does the City still need him now? Does he need an office here now? [I do note that Sam's newsletter said that "We are already working on another project for the City and will continue to stay active in the region.]

Has Windsor lost a specialized technology as well just as the Economic Development Statement came out the other day? Remember that Sam had a conversation with Ross Paul at the University about setting up a new program there.

No matter. He may be trying to land a big job in Toronto. Didn't he say recently that the Gardiner Expressway is falling down?

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