Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Name That Mayor

Who is he?

He was elected with great hope to salvage a City. He brought a fresh new look to local politics.

The previous Mayor had been in power for many years. His term was marked by a major financial problem with MFP.

The new Mayor campaigned for open, responsible government. He supported a 3-1-1 service which was to be launched in 2005. He made the budget process participatory, by holding a series of town hall meetings where the public and key stakeholders were to make submissions at the beginning of the process, before the budget was introduced at Council.

The local newspaper wrote:

  • "XXXX can't be beaten.

    Oh? Is that really so?

    Just a few short weeks ago, nobody would have questioned that assessment. At the beginning of July, the Star surveyed the field of potential candidates for XXXX's job — most of them city councillors — and interviewed political-watchers who concluded that, especially with the advantage of incumbency, XXXX was essentially unbeatable.

    Increasingly in recent weeks, however, the ground has shifted. These have been tough and difficult times for the city... XXXX's opponents see the AAAA issue as his soft spot, whether it's reasonable to blame the mayor forAAAA or not.

    A view has taken hold that XXXX is exactly what Lean says he is not — beatable. It it's true, not even a master like Ralph Lean can assure him the victory he seeks...

    What I find discouraging is that XXXX is a reactive mayor who reacts to issues once he receives criticism," she said. "I always felt that he had limitations as a councillor and I didn't expect much. I know that he looks good and sounds good, but I don't think he has accomplished very much...."

The answer: Leave your guess as a Comment!

The answer will be given tomorrow

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