Friday, October 28, 2005


It's tough work writing this BLOG. The problem is not finding enough to write about but how to find the space to write about everything. PLUS, I know that people do not have a long time to read what I write since their boss might catch them goofing off. So here is a potpourri of items to end the week.

Not a Kodak moment
Sarnia-Lambton MPP Caroline Di Cocco has been sponsoring Bill 123, the Transparency in Public Matters Act and similar pieces of legislation since 2001. She clearly is having problems getting her Private Members Bill passed. She needs a good example of a Municipal Mayor and Councillors being elected on a platform of "open and transparent" government and then failing miserably.

Hey, I have an idea, Windsor can be that example since we have so many in camera meetings. Check out my "The media is the government" blog

Urban Legends---Donny & Marie coming to town?

Latest rumour about our urban village is that a Utah developer may come to town to put in an offer. Heck, if we can convince the 360 members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and their families to re-locate here, then our worries are over!

I have asked a few people I know if they can think who the developer is but no answers yet.

Now who was the little bit country and who was Rock and Roll?

Who is Steve Tobocman
You may have seen his name quoted recently in two Star stories and in a Star editorial against the Bridge Co's new proposal.

A multiple choice question for you:
Steve Tobocman is
  1. a Democrat in the Michigan State House of Representative
  2. a homeowner who lives within two blocks of the proposed expanded Ambassador Bridge gateway
  3. opposed to the Bridge Co.'s plans
  4. the legislator who introduced a bill to establish a state "Border Development and Protection Authority” that could impose price controls on privately owned bridge or tunnel border crossings and not allow construction of a new port of entry without the approval of the authority
  5. All of the above.
Is Grand Rapids now part of Detroit?
I was intrigued about Marge Byington of DRTP’s US group holding a fundraiser in her home in Grand Rapids for Freman Hendrix, candidate for Detroit Mayor, recently. I guess everything in Detroit must be booked solid for her to hold it so far away or has Detroit annexed Grand Rapids now?

Given the anti-Kilpatrick/Bridge Co. stories, I wonder if the Detroit or Windsor media will pick up on this. You know, fair is fair. Naaaaaaawwwwwwwww, they won't.

DCTC’s chair is my old University buddy
David McFadden (of the Gowlings law firm in Toronto) is Chair of the Board of the Detroit and Canada Tunnel Corporation. I hear that he is trying to extend his company’s lease with the City (or is it the Tunnel Commission). I am sure if he wants a place to stay while he negotiates the extension, he can ask me for a suggestion or else he can ask his law firm partner, David Estrin, who also happens to be the City’s lawyer in the border wars!

Will David M negotiate the extension with David E, his partner?

I was wondering also if there is a requirement for the City to go out to tender on a matter like this or do they just have to give it to DCTC?

  1. Name the successful Windsor business people who are pulling their money out of Windsor and re-investing in other areas. And that was even before Dennis DesRosiers spoke!
  2. Which SW Ontario city’s Economic Development head copies in a big binder every Windsor union problem news story and shows it to companies that want to re-locate to South West Ontario?
  3. When will the FSCO finally release the results of its investigation into OMERS? Will it be before or after the OMERS Act is changed?
Did our Provincial Liberal Cabinet Members really say this
Dwight Duncan, Windsor Star 04-21-2005

"...local MPP Dwight Duncan (L -- Windsor St. Clair) emerged from a provincial Cabinet meeting in Toronto and declared plans to use the expressway as a truck route were never on the table. "Whether or not bureaucrats want it is irrelevant to me," said Duncan.... "It is the premier and cabinet ministers who make the decisions, not bureaucrats."

Sandra Pupatello, Windsor Star 05-28-2005

"She said the federal government, for legal reasons, can't put its support for the Schwartz plan in writing but people needn't worry because "there's no way they're not on board to build the road that leads to the bridge."

Sandra on EC Row

Windsor Star 12-20-2003
Huron Church backup plan "Unfortunately upgrades to Huron Line will take two to three years, so we need a backup plan where trucks will go," Pupatello said. "(E.C. Row) may need to be part of a temporary measure. They have to go somewhere.

Windsor Star 04-21-2005
There is no reference in the planned announcement to improve E.C. Expressway to accommodate trucks, but MPP Sandra Pupatello (L -- Windsor West) confirmed Wednesday there will be some increased use. She said she hopes the increased truck traffic would be temporary until the city's preferred option to create a truck bypass through the Ojibway Park area becomes a reality.

Windsor Star 04-22-2005
MPP Sandra Pupatello (L -- Windsor West) defended Thursday's announcement. ..She deflected Schwartz's criticism that the plan announced Thursday will lead to more trucks on E.C. Row. "It's not our intent to use the expressway as a truck corridor," she said.

Windsor Star 10-15-2005
MPP rules out E.C. Row for border truck traffic. E.C. Row Expressway will never be used as an international truck route, MPP Sandra Pupatello (L--Windsor West) said Friday. "Both Dwight (duncan) and I have said E C Row will not be used for trucks....period." Pupatello said. "I can't be more emphatic than that."

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