Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Windsor's Major New Museum Destination

There it was in the Star story, right at the end where the important stuff is always placed:
  • "Other ideas talked about by council included...a new major museum somewhere in the city."

I told you yesterday about having a family destination location at the Junction incorporating a number of Windsor historical Landmarks including the Junction itself and the Chimczuk Museum which is the key element in the whole plan.

  • "Joseph Chimczuk, an autoworker who bequeathed $1 million to the City of Windsor for a museum, library and archives, stipulated in his will that the money was to be used to "build a building."

The individual components could probably not succeed finacially on their own but together in a "destination" could make a success of it.

It works out fantastically from a financial perspective. There is around $3 million dollars in the Chimczuk Estate account that has been gathering for over a dozen years I believe. Those funds could be used to generate around $20M in grants from various Senior Level Government Departments I have heard. One needs cash to get cash and so Windsor is well-positioned! It makes Windsor's proposal look serious with real cash on the line.


  • "With more than $10 million in the bank, the Greater Windsor Community Foundation is still in need of donations and bequests in order to continue acting as the money manager for a variety of area charitable organizations, said the foundation's chairman....Freed admitted deciding how to spend Chimczuk's bequest has "become a little bit tricky because determining the exact needs, requirements and definition still needs some work." "

The Junction location is ideal, near both the Bridge and Tunnel so it would be a great tourist draw. It is near the University and the downtown so it has a large target market. It is a place for all age groups and can be used for school groups as well. It preserves Windsor historical landmarks while opening up a new one.

The amphitheatre could draw thousands to the City. With the Cleary, Capitol and other smaller theatres including the one for sale on E-Bay, it could make our City another Niagara-on-the-Lake or a Stratford over time given our nearby large market in the US. Imagine the music and theatre groups who could perform there! Just like at Ontario Place in Toronto.

The possibilities are huge and at hardly any cost to taxpayers if carried out properly. Former Mayoral candidate David Wonham is an expert in the area so he could be a good resource to the City as well.

George Sofos has already worked out artist's renditions of the site using an architectural firm in town. (See above) His plans have been submitted to the Mayor and Council some time ago I believe. David Wonham has met the Mayor on this as well but got a very cold reception. As he described it over a year ago:

  • "Though he kindly listened to my presentation, and thanked me for it, he had no questions, expressed no personal opinion, certainly did not take ownership of the concept, but merely said that he would have to consider this at a Strategic Planning meeting in the indefinite future, to see what Council wanted to do about it.

    Assessment of meeting: not overtly positive. Felt either lack of leadership, or his interests lie elsewhere."

Now all of a sudden, the Mayor is interested in family attractions. Do you think it is because he is a new father? Heck, a lot of what Councillor Postma decides is based on her kids. This is his chance to make up for his attack on Councillors over the Junction and to allow the Junction owners to avoid a bankruptcy.

For the Ward 2 Councillors, it is a chance for them to do something positive for their Ward finally! It is time they started fighting for their Ward.

The Junction must be part of all of this. Why else would Eddie have put his neck on the line by speaking out at Council as he did.

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