Friday, July 20, 2007

New Sandwich Art Gallery Opened

In a generous act of philanthropy, the Ambassador Bridge Company today unveiled the new Sandwich Art Gallery for pre-opening review. The gallery is located along Indian Road just on the edge of the proposed Heritage District for Sandwich.

A spokesperson for the Company said that it wanted to combine the best of the Odette Scultpture Park on the river nearby and the giant work of art that the City hung in the South Windsor Art Gallery under the Dougall underpass entitled "Take the Tunnel."

"We wanted to do something to help out in Sandwich since we are one of the largest residents in the area. We have been here for almost 80 years and intend to be here for a very long time in the future!" said the spokesperson.

The Company commissioned a group of local artists to create a number of murals which were hung on the gallery walls. It is probably one of the finest collections of "urban art" in the world. Included in this BLOG are photographs of only some of the many murals that were created by the skilled artists of Windsor.

The spokesperson stated that the theme of the collection was "Now and in the future." It shows the interaction amongst the neighbourhood and the homes now and what it can look like in the future. One can almost feel in the art the passion, hope and desires of the artists who created the works of art for a "green" solution for an urban environment.

The official date of the opening of the gallery is to be announced. One can hope that Mayor Anything That Works, Councillors Big Cheese and Heritage will be in attendance to assist in the formal opening.

The public is welcome to attend. In an unusual gesture, the art gallery will remain open 7 days a week for 24 hours per day since the Company anticipates a huge demand for visitors who want to see the collection. The Company has decided that there will be no entrance fees for visitors. Families are encouraged to attend and picture-taking of the murals will be permitted.

Indeed, another new tourist site to draw visitors to Windsor!

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