Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sin City No More

The rumours are starting to circulate again... Brian Masse will jump to the Liberals, probably in exchange for a Cabinet position if they win.

Who knows if they are true but it is fun to speculate. And it may not be too far-fetched either if Buzz Hargrove has his way politically.

There could be a fly in the ointment however to Brian's success in Ottawa and the reward of a fatter paycheck and benefits. (I better not say in a bottle or it might lead to the Supreme Court.) And that roadblock is George Sofos owner of the Junction.

On Tuesday, George's matter is coming in front of Council and Brian Masse, who opposed George in the past, is a delegation and will speak. Will Brian's opposition hurt him politically given the number of people who are in favour of George. Will they have a long memory come the next election? Will Brian be at risk from unhappy constituents?

I have no idea what Brian will say so I will let him speak for himself. But expect at Council a very strong argument for a deferral so that this matter can be postponed again for months while more reports are written by Administration. Paper George's business into bankruptcy due to delay and the problem disappears doesn't it!

Depending on what evidence is introduced at Council, it could turn very ugly Tuesday night. It could turn into compelling TV if it was like the last go-around so be sure to watch it on Cogeco.

It's interesting, how George is being treated. Why he is being dealt with as if he was the Ambassador Bridge? And in the same Riding as the Bridge where Brian is the MP. Doesn't Brian want jobs or investment in his Riding? George has already sunk in several hundred thousand dollars there and has to hire people to work there (He tells me that his dishwasher gets paid more than some of the "high tech" jobs being introduced into Windsor.) Is Brian against small business people? Why "Jack Layton and the NDP will help small businesses create jobs and prosperity." Is Brian acting against his Prty?

What's George's complaint according to the Star:
  • "'Delays and delays' rile owner
    Junction's desire to convert to banquet hall subverted by city, says Sofos

    The owner of The Junction restaurant on the city's west end will appeal to city council Tuesday to stop throwing hurdles in his path and allow him to reopen as a banquet hall.

    George Sofos has battled the city off and on for nearly a decade over the fate of his business..."

Doesn't that sound so familiar in the border context? Buschante Development Group got caught as well in the tangled web of Ward 2 politics. You try and make sense over the desire to tear down the Biker's house, the oppostion to tearing down the Bridge Co. homes on Indian and the comments about "The fire at a boarded-up home on 3623 Sandwich St. W... It took nearly 30 firefighters several hours to contain the blaze."

Now here's something strange that took place at the Junction. George held an opening event with the proceeds going to Hospice. Over 400 people came and raised a bundle for the charity. No "official" from the City showed up to watch. Last Friday night, George held a Teen Dance and two By-law enforcement officers in their City vehicle stopped by and stayed for almost 2 hours I was told.

Of course, their presence scared away a number of people (and this fight with the City has scared away bookings too because of the uncertainty). But I wondered if By-law officers worked on Friday evenings? If not, who made the decision to send them out and why? Given that it was a Friday before a holiday week-end, did they get paid a zillion dollars per hour for overtime and holiday pay too?

The fight is over the absurd rule about music and dancing. Why if this got out, our reputation as Sin City could be changed to "Laughing Stock." I wonder if Eddie wants that as our "brand."

  • “It was not intended specifically to include Mr. Sofos, but it does,” Jean said. At the moment, Mr. Sofos can offer music, he can offer dancing but he can’t offer both.”

I am not going to get into the legal niceties of this file. I will let the lawyers fight it out. I note though that the Chief Building Officer claims that only he, according to case law, can decide on legal non-conforming use. Did the CBO make a recommendation in the Report to turn George down. Nope---Administration just says that NO ACTION BE TAKEN.

Since the CBO did NOT make a decision, then Council should and ought to do it for him. Apparently, 8 Councillors have told George that they support him. If so, then it should be easy for George to get his "legal non-conforming use" status based on his affidavit and get on with business.

However, if Council and/or Administration jerk him around any more, I suspect that the next place that George will talk to them will have a person with a robe sitting at the head of the room and some one saying "Order in the Court!"

It's too bad that Alfie Morgan's Small Business Task Froce is not around any more. George's incident would make a good case study about how Windsor is killing the small business person. As for the gazelle feeders, where are they? Shouldn't they be helping out a small business person, their target, who wants to create new jobs and increased investment. Or is it all words and public relations in this City, but no action!

It's time that Councillors made Administration understand that Council is the ultimate decision- maker. George's Junction operation is a good beginning. We need to start encouraging small business people, not killing them with absurdities and red tape.

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