Monday, July 23, 2007

Stacks Of Letters

The letters just keep coming in:

1) Good morning Ed!!!!!

Well Ed I know just what you mean I was there [at the Council meeting]. What a mess!

Talk about comedy corner that sure was one. I wonder what's next?

2) [Re the Junction] They did nothing which is exactly what Francis wanted. He wanted it so badly he left the mayor's chair and threatened council into total inaction.

If he did not say it outloud Leon certainly said it under his breath... "See you in court". They will not go to PAC because the neighbours will likely win again. Leon knows he can win against Sonego's decision, and he will get costs as well, plus punitive damages.

This is another clear example of council not having enough facts to make an informed decision. I did like one part of the debate, where the mayor and Gignac spanked the CAO. I liked that part a lot.

3) Who backed who into a corner? Did not the rodent representative of the people vote FOR the by law & against allowing the houses to be removed? She set the trap for herself, with no end game in mind. Perhaps now the light has just been turned on and the rats are just scurrying for cover. Looked like a big piece of cheese for the taking (harassing the Ambassador Bridge) but now she has to get her tail free from the trap that she set. How ironic.

4) I finally blew a gasket when councillor rat took to the airwaves and tried to bad mouth the bridge company for the condition of the houses on Indian and Edna streets. After refusing demolition permits and freezing zoning in the entire area (hurting all businesses) how can one take such a foolish stand.

The condition of these neighbourhoods has been historically bad and values historically low. To assess any heritage value to this area is hysterical and to require any overly excessive environmental assessment is punitive and vindictive.

The world, yes the world, is looking on this process and laughing at the City of Windsor for it short-sightedness and petty, greasy politics.

The Ambassador Bridge should be universally supported in its effort to twin the span and get on with business. To stop them does not stop the existing span from being used for another 50 years under extensive maintenance and to split the west end with a second span is where the real environmental assessment issues arise on all fronts. What a farce!

The politicians have certainly dug themselves a deep hole on this issue and every day brings more egg on their faces (and it does spill over on the Provincial level as well).

Stop the B.S. support the Ambassador Bridge Company and quit spending taxpayers money on consultants, lawyers and God forbid a billion tax dollar second bridge.

5) Sam has a new client - Piaggio Group America, the Manhattan importer of Vespas (those cute little motor scooters). Perhaps he will suggest the same solution for Windsor's traffic woes.

"Mr. Timoni also said that a Piaggio-sponsored study by Sam Schwartz, a traffic consultant, found that the replacement of 20 percent of the cars in Manhattan with scooters would lessen traffic and free up 100 hours a year for drivers who now spend that time stuck in traffic."

6) I guess this person wanted to bypass how theatres are treated in this town
check out this eBay item:

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