Monday, July 23, 2007

Fun With Polls

Here are the results from polls that a variety of companies have undertaken over the past few months.

From Todays Trucking Online: Not a exactly a ringing endorsement of a "public" bridge to justify spending billions

From a poll by Angus Reid: not a ringing endorsement of our Mayor's efforts on our behalf. Most think he is NOT doing a good job.

From a CKLW poll: not a ringing endorsement of how the Mayor and Council have treated the Bridge Co. Perhaps trying to make them the "enemy" was a dumb idea since Windsorites did not believe it!

From Today's Trucking Online: Ding, Ding, Ding....a ringing endorsement! Looks like the Bridge Co.'s Enhancement Project wins hands down!

Obviously the polls are unscientific but taken as a whole the results are surprising to me. It seems that the Bridge Co. may not be viewed by Windsorites and those who are in the trucking business as negatively as some people think. Eddie does not do very well either compared with his re-election numbers.

As the Bridge Co. has communicated more and explained what they want to do and why, people are at least listening to what they have to say. Too bad those people do not seem to include the Governments at all levels or we might have had a solution by now!

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