Wednesday, July 4, 2007

My Wife Is A Contestaholic

Yes it's wife has a bad habit, an addiction. She likes entering contests. Actually she likes winning contests better!

And win she does. She wins a fair number of them but nothing really big yet like a cruise around the world or a cash jackpot so I don't have to work any longer or a bathroom make-over so I don't have to apply for a "heritage" designation for my house from the City to help pay for it! (Just kidding).

Why one of the last contests she won gave us enough Coldwater Tide liquid detergent so that I can throw mud around for a long time and still keep my clothes sparkling bright and smelling clean!

Anway, she just won an Umbro soccer net (football for purists) that she would like to sell since neither of us can use it. According to the contest site, it retails for $120. It looks like it would be fun for young kids to use. If you would like to get it, just drop me a note at

Oh, and I'll give you a bottle of Tide at no extra charge!

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