Thursday, July 19, 2007

Eddie And The Fiberals

It's a catchy name for a rock group that might appear on Canadian Idol don't you think. You know, our next big smash group that breaks all records and election promises too.

There they are walking across Sam's new Champs Elysee in the heart of West Windsor---Donna, Eddie, Dalton and Dwight. (Haven't you learned yet that Sandra does not count any more) They sure as heck are trying to make sure that no international trucks can go on Huron Church aren't they, squeezing the 6 lanes down!

The Eminence Grise worked hard to get a deal between Eddie and the Province. He has been successful it seems. Clearly his connections (or his threats) worked especially with the Minister of Finance. There have to be financial goodies coming our way.

The climax came at Sandra's nomination meeting when the Star reported:
  • "Mayor Eddie Francis sent in a letter of support."
Naturally, with the Star, you had to read to abolutely the end of the story to get that important and surprising information.

I must admit that I should have expected this after the Star reported:
  • "I think we are being respectful of the city because we all want the best solution," [Sandra] said. "In my discussions with the mayor I feel we are very much of the same mind on what we would like to see. "
If you think we have problems now with the Provincial Government, can you imagine what Windsor's name will be like if John Tory becomes Premier, especially when Eddie chose not to run for the PCs. Didn't Eddie guess wrongly during the last Detroit Mayoral campaign too and we are still paying for it...US$75M worth!

You have to ask the obvious question why he got mixed up in a Provincial campaign. Is that what Mayors do? I do not remember anyone saying he sent in a letter of support at Dwight's nomination meeting. The Eminence Grise worked the pressure on Sandra so that the Liberals had to capitulate. Mind you, it is a long time until October so Eddie has been neutralized as well and not necessarily to Windsorites' advantage!

I wonder what Eddie got in exchange for "supposedly" leaving Sandra alone so she could get re-elected. Hmmm do we get
  • a Univeristy Engineering complex downtown (I hope the financing structure is not like that of the Medical School....a big amount BUT payable over 20 years).
  • a transportation hub at the airport with money to create "shovel ready" land?
  • a brownfield redevelopment of the Zalev lands?
  • another few million for the Tunnel Plaza Improvements (whatever happened to that)
  • money to do the Tunnel deal with Detroit (whatever happened to that)
  • the big prize, Sam's road.

It should be interesting to watch what happens over the next few months.

I hope the Fiberals' negotiator was smart enough to include the Windsor Star's support of Sandra and Dwight as part of the deal. Otherwise they will continue hammering the Fiberals and Sandra in particular. Eddie would be able to look innocent and say straight-faced that he has no control over the press. But then again, we know that the Star could never be part of such a deal or their credibility as a newspaper would be destroyed.

So I am not so sure what the Fiberals accomplished but they must think it was something. My expectation is that they know that Eddie's support is worth nothing but it is a way to keep pressure on the Feds in Windsor to get more money for whatever plans McGuinty has for infrastrucutre. He clearly wants more than the 50% split the Feds offered in their last budget. The Province can also take credit for getting E C Row for the Senior Levls so that is worth something.

The deal gives DRTP and Borealis/OMERS, the Province's financial source, a new lease on life. In reality, what they get is a stronger position over the Macquaries and Alindas of the world to be the P3 partner of the Governments for the new crossing.

Of course after Sam's new presentation comes out, Dwight, especially since he is the stronger Minister of the two in Windsor, and Sandra will say things such as:
  • the premier has stated that the Windsor border crossing is his government's No. 1 capital priority
  • Improving the flow of people and goods through the Windsor- Detroit gateway is a top economic priority for our government... It's part of our plan to strengthen our economy by investing in our critical transportation infrastructure.
  • expects work on Schwartz plan to move 'extremely quickly.' Everyone is very happy to see the city finally move forward. Now that the report has been tabled, I think you will see everything moving extremely swiftly."
  • described the Schwartz plan as "extremely well done and well thought out."

    "This is the foundation for a long-term solution," said Duncan. "This is a very high priority for Ontario. We are going to do what it takes to solve the problem. We believe we have to spend the money to do this right," said Duncan. "The border is essential to the economy of Ontario. If it requires more money we will find a way to get it there."
  • the $300 million already pledged by the federal and provincial governments is "not enough." ..the province is working on an agreement for "Phase 2 funding" that would use the recommendations of U.S. traffic expert Sam Schwartz as the foundation for easing the area's traffic woes.

    "We will invest in our roads, rail, highways, the ferry, intelligent transportation systems as well as the bridge and tunnel plazas,"
  • the Schwartz Report, which was commissioned by the city, was "extremely well done, well thought out and gets it right. It offers a foundation for a long-term local solution with national vision and accommodates the needs of both the business community and local residents
  • We are taking the first steps to implement the Schwartz report," "Have there been discussions around E.C. Row? Of course, there have been.
  • Both Dwight (Duncan) and I have said E.C. Row will not be used for trucks -- period," Pupatello said. "I can't be more emphatic than that."
  • It's not our intent to use the expressway as a truck corridor
  • the increased truck traffic would be temporary until the city's preferred option becomes a reality.
  • Everybody knows Dwight Duncan and Sandra Pupatello have been working on (the border issue) since the beginning of time,"
  • Here's the $500M Gong show money.... but not until after 2010...We wanted to show a full commitment to the Schwartz Report...I suppose we should have held it back, but good news is good news at any time."
  • we hope the funding announcement would "spur our federal counterparts to move quickly to come to the table as well."
  • DRIC will only provide recommendations and final decisions on the access route and tunnelling will be made by the provincial government and its cabinet, they said...

    "My expectation is to have the province and city be on the same page on this and we are working towards that."

    Duncan said he has seen the options Schwartz offered to DRIC.

    "I thought they were fascinating," he said. "They show his insight and talent. I look forward to speaking with him and hearing more of what the city has to say."

    Pupatello called the delay announcement a "good sign" since it means serious discussions are taking place."
  • the provincial government was "endorsing the Schwartz report as the guide for future improvements" to fix Windsor's truck problems.

I was just trying to be helpful. That is what was said after the first Schwartz Report came out. It played well in the boonies so may as well do it again. Perhaps that was all the deal was about. Eddie gets his stall time again and the Fiberals get more time to pressure the Feds with Eddie on their side

And just so you know, if a renewed Nine Point Plan comes out, Eddie won't dare snub THAT meeting.

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