Monday, June 4, 2007

Windsor's New Newspaper

Wouldn't you like to be able to subscribe to that new paper instead of the Windsor Star? I would.

However, the likelihood that that will ever happen is remote. Perhaps if someone bought the Star and changed its management, that might be an acceptable alternative. Perhaps if Robert Murdoch does not get the Wall Street Journal...

It costs too much money for a company to start up a new "physical" paper. And the cost of distribution is overwhelming.

Few would have the resources to start such a venture in a city with almost 10% unemployment, with businesses closing daily, with a dying downtown, with no really good news on the horizon, with a Mayor and Council that lack direction and with an Economic Development Commission whose major action in its first 120 days is to add bodies and determine its Board members honorarium!

An online newspaper...why that's another story. The cost of its facilities is miniscule compared with that of a building that has to house massive newspaper presses, its raw materials don't result in trees being chopped down but are a server and bandwidth and its distribution costs are a mouse click. Its size can be as big or as small as its Editors decide. Its reach can be both local and world-wide for advertisers.

Is the Star worried? You betcha. I was told that Roseanne Danese was now involved with the Star's website rather than as City Hall Reporter. (It also means she does not slam Eddie on HER BLOG on the Star). The Star has Bloggers too...didn't they just add a few new ones. When Henderson joins the "the ultimate vanity exercise," and starts his BLOG, then we will know how really worried the Star is.

Clearly City Hall and the Star have great concerns about us lonely Bloggers and what the future may bring! Heck the Ambassador Bridge now has over 12,100 hits on YouTube after mentions on my BLOG. My 14 second effort has over 1,600 hits too

As I said before, investors, editors and writers are needed if a new online newspaper is to start. And it can be quite profitable if the online newspaper can be a VISP (Virtual Internet Services Provider) using a wireless network.

But the real reason one is needed is because the Star has become such a poor media outlet. The number of times that people say that they read my BLOG because it provides an alternative point of view was surprising to me at first. Now it is not. Let me give a few examples:


Alan Halberstadt has been writing a column for Biz-X magazine for how long and when has the Star complained about it? If they have or if Henderson blasted Alan in a column or if there was an Editorial cartoon about it, I do not remember it. But have him write a BLOG that could barely be viewed as leaking confidential information that could hurt the Golden Boy Mayor who gave the Star the story and all hell breaks loose.


I thought that the "Betrayal" story was dead and gone. It is not gone yet. I was wrong. The Editorial cartoonist just had to put in his 2 cents worth with the name of "Halberstat BLOG" on a PC prominently displayed. Have to keep the Golden Boy protected

Wait a minute. Now I know why there was this much overkill... I just got it....

The Star is protecting ITSELF against charges for printing the story that could kill Windsor and its bargaining position!!!!

It was Dave Battagello who, on Saturday, May 26, 2007, wrote the Story "City plots DRIC plan" It was Battagello who let the "brightest minds" of DRIC, DRTP and the Ambassador Bridge know what the City was going to do. It was Battagello who reported the Francis "Legacy Statement" for posterity that will destroy Eddie's career by showing how weak he is as a negotiator and as a leader:
"Our starting point is a tunnel."

Which Editor at the Star approved the story? Did an Editor at the Star get sick at breakfast when he/she read it? Did someone at the Star decide it was damage control time and that Halberstadt was the convenient scape-goat?

It is the Star who is afraid that people will say that the Star ruined Windsor!


Did you read Ambassador Michael Wilson's remarks at the Mackinac Conference? Of course signalled a big change in Government policy to the Ambassador Bridge Co.


Clearly the Star does not care for the Bridge Co. However, if one does support them, then watch out as I well know.

How else to explain the snide comment in the Henderson column praising Eugene Whelan. Here was the last line of it:
  • "Damn shame he's 83 and on the sidelines, because this is the Whelan that should be running in the next federal election."

The poor fellow will be torn since he loves to attack Jeff Watson since he was the one who first revealed that Eddie was NOT getting along with the Senior Levels but he obviously does not care for Eugene's daughter now. And the reasoning for that is obvious isn't it!

As for the Windsor Star, is it the beginning of the end? The Internet will getcha!

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