Monday, June 11, 2007


I had to get this BLOG out early since I am going to be speaking at Council tonight and have to prepare my speeches.

Let's help out Councillors tonight for their deliberations.

Let's give them some reasons to demolish the Ambassador Bridge homes on Indian Road and to find alternative sources of revenue for the Buskers. Your additions are welcome

  1. Pretend they are not in Sandwich and treat it like the University Grad House

  2. They will become "rat-infested"

  3. There is no a restraining order on them preventing them from being torn down

  4. Don't want fires and countless vandalism

  5. Have "Coun. Caroline Postma [hope] to turn up the heat on the federal government over the [homes], which [have] sat empty" and say Bill C-3 applies

  6. The Bridge Co. should have waited until "[the] house has remained boarded up, with graffiti and chest-high weeds growing front and back as a marker to passing time."

  7. Do a few clean-ups and then ask "how long do we have to suffer?"

  8. Call it a it a public safety issue and say "You should have the right to tear down a building if it's a danger to public safety."

  9. Don't ask Brian Masse ot be invovled since he is somewhat ineffective at getting things done to help Windsor

  10. Have the buildings "look bombed out, hurting [neighbouring] property values."

  11. Put up a "For Sale" sign "next to an abandoned house"

  12. Appear at Council in Hazmat gear

Darn, you caught me. Those are the reasons given in the Star why the Bikers' house in Sandwich, which is also caught by the Interim By-law re demolitions, should be torn down. Gee I would have thought it should be kept up as a tourist site because of its historical significance and yet Councillors seem to want it torn down.


Here are some ways to generate revenues since US$80,000 is going for the DETROIT Grand Prix:

  1. Why not cancel the Mayor's ROTCC Festival Extravaganza and use that money for Buskers too.

  2. OR have Roger Penske sponsor Buskers

  3. OR let Ken Brandes do what he was supposed to do

  4. OR make the arena less "premier"

  5. OR use part of the $15M to be used to move the Engineering Building downtown

  6. OR see if Kwame will take a few dollars less for the Tunnel

  7. OR don't have Sutts' crew working so hard to do the deal to reduce fees

  8. OR pay for fewer of Schwartz's people

  9. OR increase the Keg parking to 10 cents a day

  10. OR have fewer lamb chops at the Council meal

  11. OR do a deal on the Capitol and save the legal fees

  12. OR have Gord Orr pay for it as he did Wrestlemania with the CAO approval system

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