Monday, June 11, 2007

Agenda for The Eddie ROTCC Festival Extravaganza

We have trouble paying for the simplest things in Windsor because of Operating Budget issues but for bigwigs from around the US for Eddie errrrrrrrrr Windsor branding purposes, money is no object.

Take a look at what Windsor Taxpayers are going to be doing for ROTCC members. How much is all of this costing us:

I hope that Delegates eat well on Day 2 courtesy of us:

Surprise, surprise, guess whose Enhancement Project is being ignored although the delegates are being taken to see their bridge. Now the question is, which members of DRIC are putting on the presentation. I would bet it is Ontario rather than the Feds and if that is the case, don't tell me that Eddie didn't do a deal with Donna Cansfield.

Sorry folks, no tunnel for you from Highway 410 to the Ambassador Bridge. The Province cannot afford it. Anyway, as we learned from Eddie, he was only interested in up to 6 KM in the rich and vocal area of South Windsor. He did not care about Ward 2 except for an interim by-law there to stall off the Bridge Co. You remember the key concession:

"Our starting point is a tunnel."

Forget City money for Festival Epicure or the Buskers Festival. We have an Eddie extravaganza to pay for! Perhaps he could have held an event at the Junction to help George Sofos out!

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