Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More Letters

More comments from readers:

1) Does it really surprise you that the City of Windsor is dragging its feet on the Bridge issue? how long did it take to build a arena? and why did they act so fast after 30+ yrs of dragging their feet, spending money on studies, and turning down a offer where the company would have ate most of the cost? they jumped into this after the Town of Tec announced a new arena, how much over budget is this Windsor arena already? the mayor jumped into a deal because he had egg on his face, and now he will drag his feet on the bridge issue untill Windsor becomes a ghost town!

2)Hi Ed,

Looked at the Windsor Star June 15 and read the mayor's words regarding the border road. "We are certainly frightened and fearful of a cheap solution."

And wonder of wonders, Sam (doesn't he ever stay home in New York?) Schwartz is back in town on the taxpayer's dime with a new, innovative "tunnel solution."

Let's see if I've got this straight. There's a road called the EC Row Expressway, originally designed for cars with a dedicated lane for trucks. It connects with Highway 401. Talbot Road also connects with 401 and both EC Row and Talbot eventually meet Huron Church Road.

Are the taxpayers of Canada expected to foot the bill for a tunnel UNDER existing roads? This makes as much sense as the Eddie-Schwartz bypass to nowhere which included a road through (and a tunnel under) a pristine forest. Oh well, another 2 to 5 years will be wasted wishin' and hopin' for the impossible.

Sounds like material for a standup comedy routine.

3) Good Evening Mr. Arditti,

I was pointed to your blog from a friend - after reading it I thought that maybe you could use a break from all the negativity you are fighting and watch something positive. I am working with scores of people across our community to make a difference. I managed to get a TV show to air nationally on PBS - and yes I am doing it all from Windsor. I won't lie - it's been a struggle. From the very beginning when people told me that there wouldn't be enough good content to fill my show (rolling eyes here) to short sighted individuals. But we've prevailed.

We're in a desperate call for help as we are risking going off the air if we don't get funding shortly. We air to 3.4 million households through PBS (WTVS Detroit Public Television). If this happens we will continue the fight. We're doing this because we believe in this area.

So enjoy a breath of fresh air!


4)Dear Ed:

I read with interest your note about nobody wanting to work for the Development Commission. Can you blame them? And it has nothing to do with being in Windsor and/or Windsor being a union town and/or the lack of a development strategy. No the reason no one wants to work for the Development Commission is because of the way they treat their workers.

Take Roman Dzus for instance, he works his tail off for 23 years as a very loyal employee and is deeply involved in all of the most successful projects to land in the area. Indeed, he is the guy responsible for the Financial Times award that the Mayor boasts about all over the place! He did all the work to get it. He survived the Ex-CAO of Windsor who the Mayor placed in the Development Commission for two years. When he leaves, Mr Dzus steps in as interim Commissioner and does a great job holding the fort. When they decide to look for a new head of the Commission he steps aside and doesn't go for the job because he tells his bosses they should have some new blood in Windsor. Instead he will take a big pay cut and go back to being Deputy Commissioner where he can have the greatest impact.

And his reward for 23 years of great service to the City is ????????? They let him go and have not yet completed the arrangements for his severence pay after all of this time. Some thanks. If I was someone looking at a career at the Development Commission I wouldn't even apply given the incredibly poor treatment of Mr. Dzus.

Note to Roman .... if nothing gets finalized soon, stop being the nice guy and sue the pants off these bastards. They are not worthy of any other treatment.

[NOTE: "Here is what Councillor Halberstadt said in his Biz-X article: In an ironic twist, credit for winning this award has to go to Roman Dzus, the longtime Deputy of the Windsor-Essex Development Commission, who was shunted aside when the commission was overhauled by a new board and CEO Matthew Fischer earlier this year."

I am curious....who did the work to bring HBPO to Windsor? Was it Dzus?]

5) Ed,

I think you are doing a fantastic service by providing insight that is often at odds with the reality that the Star is trying to convince us of.

I believe that a town hall type of event with speakers from the automotive and other manufacturing sectors (no politicians) to explain the real reasons why Windsor is getting left behind is the wake up call we need.

Now the query. I was speaking to a friend who happens to be a city department manager. We were talking about all the money the city is wasting and he mentioned the legal cost of the city's fight against the newly formed managers union. He heard the cost will [huge]. Of the 314 managers the city claims 300 are essential and cannot be part of the union. The union of course is fighting this position. Perhaps one of your city hall moles can find out for sure and you can let us know the real cost of this legal battle.

Finally a look into our future? Here is a link to a photo essay of downtown Gary, Indiana. It is a sobering scene for sure. http://www.growingchicago.com/images/other/mypicsVI/

Keep up the fine work. Maybe you will inspire mayoral and council
candidates with real plans and a real passion for our city.

6) With all due respect, it seems to me that the Parks and Rec folks have their hands full now and the cruise business (not what you would call a core endevour) might be a bit beyond their competence.

You would probably put the wind up their kilts if you called and asked about
their intentions.

7) [NOTE: I had an exhange of emails with a well-known University of Windsor Professor. I congratulated the Prof on obtaining a new position and here was the email I received]

I am going to the University of X. Many others are leaving UWindsor -- the best
researchers. It is not a pretty picture.

And yes, I am happy indeed to be departing....

[On the Engineering building going downtown]

Yup. Like a squirrel that cannot figure out whether or not to cross the road and runs back and forth perilously because it is indecisive! This latest is the one of many, many 'takes' on the Engineering School.

And did you see that the plot of land for which detailed architectural plans had been developed and redeveloped more times than twice, is now converted into an almost $1 million parking lot! How can a flat, bare piece of land cost $1 million to make into a parking lot?? Only here!

8) I said it before and I'll say it again.If they decide to put a new road around so as to cut off the existing bridge crossing, the Bridge company should just say oh well and close it down for repairs for a time.There is a tunnel right?

But,I think, sorry, I know the Bridge Company directors are much better equipped and much more savvy than the counterparts they are up against. Besides, politicians come and go.If we get some leadership this time, there really could be a solution to the problems.

Can we say "enough already?" Can McGuinty or Sandra appoint Eddie to be an Ambassador to China? Sorry that would be cruel. China deserves better too.

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